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Only song not a video! Death “Defensive Personalities” from album “Spiritual Healing”
Video Rating: 4 / 5

From the 1990 album “Spiritual Healing” Lyrics: Always blocking the doors to your mind Escaping the reality that surrounds you Using faith as an excuse to kill A sick way of life is now revealed All the prayers in the world can’t help you now A killer a take of life is what you are Speak no more lies It’s your turn to die Preach the good word Speak no more, perpare to burn A justified torture? From this may others learn The life you took…a holy death, a grave mistake No changing your mind, your life…you should pay Practice what you preach Your loved one is now deceased Knowledge is at our hands Never to understand Spiritual healing [Solos: Schuldiner, Murphy] Blinded by the twisted ways you live Kill for religion, will the Lord forgive? Idiocy has stricken your mind A real-life hell you will find

50 Responses to Death – Defensive Personalities

  • wtfjaftw says:

    the guy on the cover reminds me of /watch?v=56EHNB04JHk

  • musicalkaratekid says:

    what a powerful title track this is. and the rest of the album is just as astounding for me:D

  • Smackenzieth says:

    @thedeviltroy hahaha

  • DEATHbassistMETAL says:

    @silveradoman74 i get you there man. though i have to go with leprosy, just because i regard it as the first death metal album. Seven churches started bridging the gap between thrash and death, and then screm bloody gore almost completed it. but i do belive leprosy made the transition, and that why its my favorite death album.

  • silveradoman74 says:

    I have all their albums yet i find Spiritual Healing and Leprosy at the top of my list. Then again thats like saying i have to choose between a really hot brunette and blonde.

  • thedeviltroy says:

    a recent medical study survey determined,death is still our nations number one killer! be careful out there people!

  • Mustachhe says:

    Probably their best album.

  • Dropkick32X says:

    @JesusPassTheBong777 don’t worry, I plan to go to a strip club to see the bitches, rock on!

  • JesusPassTheBong777 says:

    @Dropkick32X you should just quit religion, religion is all bullshit. go out and party, have fun, thats why theres bud bro. and bitches have fun lol

  • LaneTheSlain says:

    This picture makes me lol…

  • AK4769er says:

    Don’t know why, but those Death album covers are so eerie.

  • satanblessmegadeth says:

    Well they are nearly synonymous. Learn 3rd grade English.

  • Negroid9009 says:

    Notice I said you ACT as though, not “you think.” Learn to read.

  • satanblessmegadeth says:

    You honestly think I don’t know it is an album cover? I know it isn’t a real picture.

  • Dropkick32X says:

    cool! me and my brother just quit Catholic. We’re not gonna let the church bamboozle us!

  • Dropkick32X says:

    it looks like a Mad Magazine. It’s cooky looking

  • Dropkick32X says:

    it’s amazing that this account is still up. Rock on!

  • Negroid9009 says:

    Except… it’s just an album cover you ignorant fuck. You act as though it’s a real picture. God damn, you truly are a dumb kid.

  • satanblessmegadeth says:

    wait . . . I don’t know what I’m talking about? HAVE YOU FUCKING LOOKED AT THE ALBUM COVER? THE PEOPLE LOOK CRAZY! AND THEY ARE CLEARLY CHRISTIAN! ONE HAS A FUCKING BIBLE! Lay off the rocks dude that shit will make your teeth fall out.

  • Negroid9009 says:

    Yeah… I don’t think you know what you’re talking about kid…

  • satanblessmegadeth says:

    I am talking about how stupid the Christians look on the cover of the album.

  • Negroid9009 says:

    Actually, this song is about people who take advantage of the religion and use it to meet their own ends.

  • juanchoheavymetal says:

    damn ur lucky as hell

  • juanchoheavymetal says:

    tun tun tun tun takuta tun tun sickkkk!!!!!! i love this fucking song! i love death and every single fucking album!

  • ladythom says:

    I got a vinal at ear x tacy back in 93 or 94
    for 10 bucks never even open it had it on
    tape and cd. It was a great buy then and now.

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