category of, dare I say it, – bastard! What, I wonder, are the wives of these men doing? What are they thinking? Where are they? Have they accepted a life of betrayal and lies or are they, horror of horrors, simply doing the same thing. My head begins to spin at the shear sordidness of it and the realization of my own lack of innocence pounds in my temples. Just by indulging in a flirtation or by unknowingly accepting a date with a married colleague I am culpable. I am implicated by not asking the question. I am implicated by asking the question and accepting no answer. I am implicated again and again and again. I am enraged!
I look at these men and instead of feeling flattered I feel pity. Pity for them. Pity for their wives. Pity for their children. Sadness that their lives are so lacking in contentment that they feel it necessary to carry on numerous, multiple, endless affairs with anyone who is willing. These men come from all walks of life, all professions, all race groups and all levels of education. I suggest that the next time you have an operation take a good look at your doctor. Wonder what he’s been up to. Look at his wedding ring and know this – he has a wife, he has a family, he is a professional with the potential to save a life. Is he content with this? No! He is sleeping with the nursing sister opposite him. He is flirting with the administrator at the office. He is taking his secretary out for drinks and suggesting booking into a room. He may even be forcing himself onto a colleague in a dark office somewhere in the building. Do these women know that he is married? Some do. Some find out later, when it’s too late. Some don’t care. After all this is what the world has come to. And sentiments like “he likes