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My 85 DK with ilvl333 2handed Mace testing new skill “Dark Simulacrum”. Spells ninja’d: Seal of Truth (Dps Seal from Paladin) and Windfury Weapon (from Shaman) with Dark Simulacrum.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Loving the new battle theme music. Had me pumped to kick some robotic ass. Well, Kohaku is giving Shing the silent treatment. Shing mentions that he broke Kohaku’s Spir Rune, which does not sit well with Kunzite because that’s where his master, Richia, resides. So naturally, he tries to kill Shing. Winning is optional in this battle, but it’s not very hard to win. Kunzite is weak to light, as one might have expected with all the dark spells he has. He also has a bunch of techs that he didn’t show in this video: Majinken (Demon Fang), Majinken Shouga, Rekkuuzan (Tempest), Kogahazan (Tiger Blade), and Dead Soul (a defensive spell where a wall of darkness surrounds Kunzite; similar to the Stone/Ice/Fire Wall spells in ToDR). He does however show my favourite tech of his that I’ve seen so far: Kuuha Senmeidan. I also really love the way Kunzite’s battle sprite looks. Awesomeness. After battle things get a little heavy. Kohaku reveals that it wasn’t Shing who broke her Spir Rune. She tells us that it broken intentionally by herself and Richia to throw Incarose (who is trying to destroy Richia) off the track. Hmm, it would have been nice to know this earlier, but whatever. Shing and Kohaku make up, and Kunzite stops trying to kills us. Yay! First playthrough Hard mode Tales of Hearts – Nintendo DS

36 Responses to Deathknight 2H Frost Cataclysm Build 12857 testing Dark Simulacrum

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