My 85 DK with ilvl333 2handed Mace testing new skill “Dark Simulacrum”. Spells ninja’d: Seal of Truth (Dps Seal from Paladin) and Windfury Weapon (from Shaman) with Dark Simulacrum.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Loving the new battle theme music. Had me pumped to kick some robotic ass. Well, Kohaku is giving Shing the silent treatment. Shing mentions that he broke Kohaku’s Spir Rune, which does not sit well with Kunzite because that’s where his master, Richia, resides. So naturally, he tries to kill Shing. Winning is optional in this battle, but it’s not very hard to win. Kunzite is weak to light, as one might have expected with all the dark spells he has. He also has a bunch of techs that he didn’t show in this video: Majinken (Demon Fang), Majinken Shouga, Rekkuuzan (Tempest), Kogahazan (Tiger Blade), and Dead Soul (a defensive spell where a wall of darkness surrounds Kunzite; similar to the Stone/Ice/Fire Wall spells in ToDR). He does however show my favourite tech of his that I’ve seen so far: Kuuha Senmeidan. I also really love the way Kunzite’s battle sprite looks. Awesomeness. After battle things get a little heavy. Kohaku reveals that it wasn’t Shing who broke her Spir Rune. She tells us that it broken intentionally by herself and Richia to throw Incarose (who is trying to destroy Richia) off the track. Hmm, it would have been nice to know this earlier, but whatever. Shing and Kohaku make up, and Kunzite stops trying to kills us. Yay! First playthrough Hard mode Tales of Hearts – Nintendo DS
@XxLAxXLeGaCy frost is either way. dual weilding in frost just makes you attack quicker but 2 handers hit relatively hard. theres a frost dk pvp vid around somewhere….i’d link but i’m too lazy. he rapes everything with a 2 hander.
you shorting yourself by using a 2 hander for frost……. the facts are as follows,
Unholy Spec (Two Handers)
Frost Spec (Dual Wield)
this has not changed even in the PTR, or 4.0.1.
your limiting your dps by using 2 hander while specced frost.
to be honest, from my own experience, you get more dps from using 2 1 handed, and its on offspec, and with 251-264 gear im doing 16k dps single target on actual raid bosses like Halion25
@Dulcis90 I’m not sure about cataclysm, because I dont have beta, but Unholy Presence is the single target dps presence for 2h frost.
@ArchFatalis Frost Presence is the new DPS presence, check your facts before you “lol” ..
WTF!? ?_?
OMFG really noob lvl 60 dummy lvl 85 DK and only 12k dps – go in shits.
lol frost presence
Thank god they redid the Wild Hammer…
Talent Build Please!!!
well…. Ill leave it at this…. I’ve just waisted 1 minute and 13 seconds of my life… :p
Ur dps sucks bra get better
@Prawlercro Hate to break it to ya bro but 2h frost dps is actually a good tree now. I pulled a steady 15k in ICC with it.
Seriusly dude Icy touch … ?
Glpyh Howling blash and replace it asap and and 2 hander Frost dk suxs so hard find a dual’s with AP.
@shamkaasi looks like we got a jealous faggot that doesnt have beta yet cus he’s too infamous and has no friends… hm… that sounds about right…
@shamkaasi yeah i was thinking that he was doing really well untill i seen that
god i wish this would go live, dark simulacrum will blatently be nerfed though
@sacared50 it was actually about even. he just spiked up then he dropped to about even. while DW got up there quickly and didn’t move.
They might nerf Dark Simulacrum. Right before a raid just duel everyone and take their buffs and do some ridiculous dps.
so frost 2h does much dps then frost dw :S
If he’s doing 12k dos now with lvl 82 gear WTF is hp ganna be at lvl 85?? Will have to be like 120k or something cu if u think 82 gear doing 12k mean 85 gear will be about 20k lol
@shamkaasi uh…welcome to the start of a new max lv? Not to mention the overall start changes that take place as well. This kind of things happens every xpac. back in the start of wrath dps in greens and blues was 1600ish or so, which was pretty good dps back at lv 70 in BC, makes prefect sense to be pulling 12kish at the start of lv 85 when 12k was what people were doing on 25 man before the heroic icc gear and 30% buff.
@emilio125 lmao isnt there a change in our rotations for frost come cata? sooo unless you know the exact perfect build and perfect spot for a certain skill already how bout you shut the fuck up and go back to playin your fuckin toon:)
learn 2 use dk frost first