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An effort to use a 100-ton steel-and-concrete box to cover a deepwater oil well in the Gulf of Mexico was aborted Saturday after ice crystals encased the containment device. Meanwhile, thick blobs of tar began washing up on Alabama’s beaches. (May 8)
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25 Responses to Deep-sea Ice Crystals Stymie Gulf Oil Leak Fix

  • AngelaIsAwesome16 says:

    pissed me off

  • COAKD1 says:

    I wonder if we all can work together in finding solutions for this mess.

  • blindinya004 says:

    So I guess the plan would be to cut my losses here in the south , but where would be a good place to go . Dallas or Pennsylvania ?

  • nonationoneplanet says:

    ZEITGEIST explains it all perfectly… just google it!

  • RomeoCo says:

    Oh if they only knew what was actually to come.

  • Bigtymme says:

    Yeaa I would say it failed.. you assholes! Alternative energy should have been a major option since the 80’s… we should have had a full transition to alternative energy sources since the early 90’s! Not fear-mongering here but the end result will have to be mass evacuations.

  • BudPeters44 says:

    how stupid can they get..So you don’t try and cap connect a tube to the top so you can direct the oil back into the tankers,and never try and stop the flow,just give it a place to flow where we want it,then with the flow ice crystals would not have time to form cause its not contained,just like putting a huge bucket with a hose on the end to let the oil flow..but in a tanker not our Oceans..Look i do plumbing and i could fix that leak…they are doing this on prupose..

  • EpikKustumz says:

    screw a decision…all they need to do is DO IT! dont just talk about it

  • BudPeters44 says:

    @johnfl46 yep,been leaking for 58 days now..they cannot stop it..the Bible wich i never gave a second thought or any credit to..Untill last Feb.. when reading Revelation from being challenged to do so and then prove the Bible was b/s..I ened up a Christian and in Church fiday,twice on Sunday and wed’s ..and read the Bible all the time..No doubt the news and Bible go hand in hand.Peace

  • johnfl46 says:

    @BudPeters44 its almost been a week. but i know what u mean. im planning to leave florida

  • marcmantione says:

    Come to Canada fuck that’s crazy

  • jmwdweb88 says:

    all those people on the gulf coast, all those birds, all those fish, all those animals and all those family members would ALL like their life back.

  • hobieslug45 says:

    @nogascars china has done it for less, speedy trial and judgment . first day trial second day death penalty is administer. they don’t mess around when it comes to things like that because they really love their country, unlike the us government who will protect them from the people. a lot of american civilians would die before we could get to a bp ceo

  • philthetremoloking says:

    philthetremoloking Don’t fall for BP’s PR campaign!! They’ve hired a PR campaign to whitewash their name by paying a MILLION dollars a month to buy search terms on youtube and google! Which is why their stupid videos pop up all the time!
    SHAME ON YOUTUBE for accepting their blood money

  • nogascars says:

    Why do we have over 5000 oil wells in the gulf, and they still want to drill more? What would Russia, China do in this same situation, maybe execute the CEO of BP, u think?

  • BudPeters44 says:

    oh lady..screw you area of what its been through..We are in the last really think if they could plug that hole when it was small they would have ? now its getting bigger each day from the constant oil gushing out and they will not have a chance to stop it.They hit a volcano tunnel,or its( Wormwood) prophecy from our Bible teachings..if they don’t stop it in a best believe God is comming soon.

  • treid100182 says:

    Bullshit sandwich.

  • jerdeb4evr says:

    @TheUnconsecrated I think I saw one on the beach in Alabama, or maybe it was a tar ball

  • TheUnconsecrated says:

    @jerdeb4evr haha, i want brain

  • PigsCanFly99 says:

    bad science .. there is something fishy about this whole Gulf effort. Bad science abounds. There is no siphoning off of oil. Not one drop has been ‘siphoned’ off anywhere. Here he states hydrates ‘were actually making the dome buoyant’ total bullshit. Not anymore or less buoyant if the dome were filled with oil. How does this dome work? Buoyancy of oil pushes itself up pipe. The gusher itself plays no role. It’s all about the ‘chimney’ effect. Bad science abounds. 8 (

  • jerdeb4evr says:

    @TheUnconsecrated Get a brain dipshit

  • TurkiyeCumhurbaskani says:

    atlantic ocean is fucked!!!!!!!!!!

  • NanaBaakan says:

    @stab987 LOL! How about that connection.

  • NanaBaakan says:

    @heterogeneoushuman lol

  • NanaBaakan says:

    @stab987 lol

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