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What is the meaning of spirituality? Deepak reveals that the real meaning of spirituality is awareness.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

A powerful Spiritual Awakening is happening across our planet with people in all walks of life rapidly peeling away their veils of limitation and finding inner completeness. A higher vibrational reality awaits us based on unconditional love, joy and mutual respect for all life. So how can we join this higher paradigm? Our new web-based mini movie “Gateways of Light” addresses this most important issue of our time…

43 Responses to Deepak Chopra on… Spirituality

  • OpenhandFoundation says:

    Actually I was being quite metaphorical. According to the latest Membrane Theory and aligned with my spiritual experience, the universe is formed of two membranes of consciousness arrayed in 11 dimensions. One membrane of consciousness is flowing outwards to every greater separation – its “breathing outwards”. The other is flowing inwards to ever greater unity – its “breathing back in again. It must be this way since everything arose from nothing. So if there is a flow out, there must be one in.

  • pfzht says:

    At 8:45 the narrator suggests that the universe is breathing back in alluding to the long defunct theory of the big crunch. The universe is ever expanding at an accelerating rate. LHC experiments have thus far supported dark energy theories.

  • OpenhandFoundation says:

    First you have to be really clear in yourself that you want to; that nothing in the external illusion will serve you greater than what you feel inside – your own self realisation. Then begin to watch yourself in all interactions in life. Watch your feelings, thoughts, emotions, motivations for doing things. After a while, you come to realise that you are not your thoughts, feelings or emotions. Instead, you are what is beyond those.

  • MiSha400 says:

    Beautiful & True!

  • teakie0 says:

    How do u just let go??? It seems easier said then done especially when you are stuggling with deep embeded fears since childhood. Any suggestions???

  • muttish says:

    whats the name of the song at 6:30?


  • q7spiz says:

    Its alright, nature will kick everyones ass before they end up doing too much. Natural disasters are possible to the point of balancing out the sources of imbalance. Because nature has a mind. Brain chemicals and everything related to them, have photo-electric fields them selves because they are made of atoms that need those fields. We should clean things up, so that nature doesn’t come down on us as hard as it could if we go too far. We should slow down with certain things while we are ahead.

  • consultantmichael says:

    Very well done! Thank you

  • joygarner says:

    NWO shill. Stop trying to sell a carbon tax for the banking elites to rule the world with. The economic disaster is BY DESIGN.

    Get a clue.

  • OpenhandFoundation says:

    Have you actually contemplated that the Gulf oil spill might be providing a powerful higher consciousness message to humanity? Yes it is destroying the environment far and wide, yet it is a mere microcosym of what humanity is doing to the planet. Maybe the point is we all need to look in the mirror and see that we cannot go on living as we do. Instead of taking away the affects, why not seek to cure the cause?

  • harmonicutopia says:

    On Friday, May 21, 2010, at 11:00 PM (UTC +0), join the Wave to Restore the Gulf. Together we co-create a powerful group synergy, just google the Unity Wave.
    Sending love, light and blessings,
    Twin Flames, Erica and Dwaine

  • JohnPeca18 says:

    @OpenhandFoundation how do you think that you can prevent the scenario then? losing everything and such . . now I am 21 and I am studying I have a job what I like but when I am learning more and discovering more about how the world really works I really cant find any motivation to study things I dont need,work on things that doesnt matter .. is there some goal, some purpose, what do you mean by enjoying the ride? I know I can choose whatever goal and reach it but it seems that nothing matters

  • JohnPeca18 says:

    @OpenhandFoundation how do you think that you can prevent the scenario then? losing everything and such . . now I am 21 and I am studying I have a job what I like but when I am learning more and discovering more about how the world really works I really cant find any motivation to study things I dont need,work on things that doesnt matter . . is there some goal, some purpose, what do you mean by enjoying the ride? I know I can choose whatever goal and reach it but it seems that nothing matters

  • Sueezedtight says:

    @alterego227 We must reach the foundation of our selves to rebuild as we were meant to. That “bottom” is a fresh start, the restarting of a cycle that we become aware of as we allow our conscious awareness to demonstrate our needs.
    Wanting what you need is paramount. Anything else is not only superfluous, it is deleterious to your well-being.
    You chose your path before you came and all that remains is for you to decide to embark upon it.
    Not always easy but it can always be done. It is the way

  • idiosynkrass says:

    no sympathy for the devil,keep that in the ticket,enjoy the ride…

  • Sueezedtight says:

    If your spirit is the most important part of your existence then of what purpose the material body?
    We are broken, bowed and bloodied, but we are not defeated. We have been sent here to right the wrongs and to correct our imperfections that we have accumulated over our existence. We cannot be discouraged by our imperfections for they are signs that we are working on perfecting ourselves.
    Our density allows us to make the necessary adjustments in the best way possible.
    Reality is its own reward.

  • AtranscendedMother says:

    WOW, What a video & put together so perfectly. I just LOVED it, & I LOVE you & I LOVE everything that is. Its all so PERFECT, everything is just PERFECT & I LOVE it all. Soon everyone will realise that we are on the brink of major transformation, this is EVOLUTION this is LOVE. It really is time to let go & surrender, the only way is up, to infinity & beyond. 🙂 For you are GOD, For we are GOD, For I am GOD. We are all “Great One Divided” 🙂 LOVE & PEACE 🙂 A Transcended Mother

  • TheSharkSurvivor says:

    I think like you, Inner peace & meditation are the true secrets of life it is to bad as children we are not taught how to meditate in school maybe our whole existance would take on new light and happiness !! Each day is another page in our Destiny do you ever wonder who is writing it? Is it time for our Race to perish or take another path & thrive !! I pray for you to get your message to the masses !!Peace be with you…. ~Sharky~

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