Here is another video I share from Patricianatheist channel. He rightly observes that our minds, and consequently the beliefs, are formed with biases, in this case even the definition of Atheist is biased and made-up by Christians which form the majority of the western societies. Atheism is not a belief, like Acinderella is not someone who doesn’t believe in the fable of Cinderella. Human beings have invented thousand of gods/divinities/myths/fables. I don’t believe in them. I don’t believe in the gods invented by the Aztecs, to whom endless human sacrifices have been made, as well as the gods invented by Christians, Muslims, Hindus and so on. The Christians who believe in a word which is never mentioned in what they call Old Testament, are the best example we can use. In the Old Testament, read in the original language: Biblical Hebrew, we are introduced to many gods: Yahweh the warrior god brought around and worshiped by some middle eastern tribes to win their battles with their neighbors on nearby villages, El and the Elohim which also appear in the Genesis book as creators of the universe, and who are really similar to Zeus and the Olympian gods worshipped by the Greeks, and under different names in all the middle east, but which are unknown to the Far East like India and China. But if a person studies deeply the Old Testament and really learn Hebrew well, he/she will start to feel that those who copied the books made some changes (scholars to avoid to call those …
Some people believe Jesus was a witch. What is the truth?
thank you for this video…my dad wouldn’t believe me but he listened to you, a random person on youtube…*sigh*
Oh my god. It’s annoying, people are so stubborn and will believe everything they read on Google’s top search.
If I say I’m atheist, I’m a prick, because they think I will refuse EVERYTHING that theist will say.
If I say I’m agnostic, they will think I don’t know wherever if I believe or not in God.
Because of the misconceptions, atheists don’t even have grounds to discuss with the theists with. It’s a mental thing, we already start off disadvantageous.
how about ‘nihilist atheist’?
which by the way, your biblical knowledge has nothing and never had anything to do with this conversation we’ve been having….
which by saying ‘if they do exist’ is another way of saying you are ‘without knowledge’ that they do…..wordplay is fun
added note: because I forgot to add it long time ago….karma & qi are those supernatural components I was referring to…each philosophy and theism have supernatural components to explain those things that are unexplained, and what is considered to be supernatural centuries ago and what’s considered supernatural now are two different things. just like you putting ‘aliens’ in that list of supernatural things you are ‘without belief’ of….then stating ‘if they do exist’ they aren’t supernatural
by what you say, you take the stance of what a lot ‘atheists’ claim…that they KNOW that the supernatural or a deities/deities do not exist….that’s how the general public views it and that how this video is trying to debunk that bias definition……
since you are so well-read in language, do me a favor…..research and find the terms used to describe a person that is “without belief in the supernatural”, “believes in the supernatural”, because ‘theism’ refers to the concept of deities…
if you want specific literal terms to what YOU believe, look them up because what you BELIEVE as what you KNOW is not atheism…..the terms we use in society to describe someone’s beliefs regarding the ideology of deities are theist, atheist, and agnostic…..the layman’s definition of those are ‘I do’, ‘I don’t’, ‘I don’t know’.finding translations and literal meanings to the components to make yourself seem more intelligent about the subject, doesn’t take away from the reality of how it’s used
choosing to not search for answers to or ignore still unexplainable phenomena, and just chalking it up to a theory you have, is NOT a legitimate ore intelligent method of saying there’s “no evidence to support it”……the world is not void of evidence of the supernatural, there’s just not answers yet, which makes it impossible to have ‘knowledge’ that it doesn’t exist………but i digress, i understand now, you’re just looking for an argument or looking for specific literal terms……
and the whole alien and unicorn logic of if there’s nothing there to sway you to believe either way then there’s no reason to believe at all…..BUT it is IMPOSSIBLE for someone to have KNOWLEDGE that the supernatural doesn’t exist, if someone were to state that, it would be their personal BELIEF that they KNOW, which makes them oblivious to the outside world, making them delusional….just as those religious people (gnostic theists) to believe they know, which to an ‘atheist’ they’re delusional
thank you for the confirmation….you’re delusional……you try to rationalize to me that a person can be “without belief” and at the same time say that it’s not that you DON’T BELIEVE in the supernatural, it’s that you are ‘without belief’ because there is no evidence to support, nor the evidence to have evidence of the supernatural……I get the logic that you BELIEVE that there’s no evidence to of things that could be considered supernatural, but the phenomena exists…..continued
@DayneAW- “makes sense?”
I am exceedingly knowledgeable in biblical text. I can quote verbatim, more scriptures than most Christians can misquote. I have read many different translations from Hebrew, to Greek, kjv to nwt. I have intimate familiarity with the religion, & text thereof… According to you; I cannot be agnostic, “without knowledge”. I know a being as so described in the bible, cannot exist. Is there something out there? The void of evidence has not compelled me to believe.
the only logical route would be using the words in combination…as in gnostic theist, gnostic atheist, agnostic theist, agnostic atheist……it is impossible for humans to be a gnostic theist or gnostic atheist…..so “atheists” (used in society) are actually agnostic atheists (which is what I am) and all religious people are agnostic theists…..makes sense?
heeeeeeeyyyy back again just to say I figured it out…..and it expresses what I was trying to say…in our society we don’t go by all of the literal terms of religious ideology or philosophy…we go by the 3 terms of ‘theist’, ‘atheist’, & ‘agnostic’ which leaves it open for all of them to, as in cognition, beliefs……but if we use the actual terms of gnostic (knowledge), agnostic (without knowledge), theist (belief in), atheist (without or lack of belief in)………continued —>
DUDE! .. How long-winded….
Let me shake your possible believers back into consciousness. ..
And you into the same. ..
Definition. ..
ATHEISM. .. Not theist.
AGNOSTIC. .. Not Gnostic.
Now, still love your parents and move out.
this is a lost cause, i apologize for taking up your time……hope it eventually clicks down the road that I’m not disagreeing with you about the supernatural, and that it was all about what you believe or don’t believe because it’s one or the other…..we can’t be “without belief” …if we were without belief then we couldn’t make any independent decisions in our life…you are a very intelligent person and I hope the best for you…I recommend your “knowledge” be steered toward published work
You do not believe, that I am without a belief in deities.
You are your own paradox. Were you a computer you would have just exploded.
I am in a different medical field, in which I use methods involving exact science and inexact science…..I haven’t remotely tried to involve exact science in this, I’ve strictly tried to involve the component of psychology, which you are well educated in, where humans make decisions on how they view themselves and the world around them.
you stated you don’t believe in anything super….you are without belief….
it really boggles my mind how you don’t get how we can’t be “without belief”
I asked a question…
“Where I come from is not Zeus’s loins, or is it? Could it be that the god, as depicted, is your creator? But you don’t believe that, do you? Why don’t you believe in Zeus? Why are you a Zeus Atheist?”
Your reply, in no way, addresses anything I asked.
And though you don’t want the question, “what’s rational about religion”?
“so we’re doing scientific experirments(sic) now to prove or disprove the- supernatural?”
Who can test what is not in evidence?
“we are back to the literal meaning to the words “atheist”
That is because it’s a LITERAL WORD.
“I’m saying- the title of atheist in this world is given to those”
The title in this case is TAKEN, not given. Your assumption is wrong. The very basis is wrong. It is a literal word, it is taken as it is.
“(being that nobody knows for an absolute fact) that supernatural deities and such do not exist in reality”
The word never states any of that, period. You added it, not the Greeks, you.
You have asked about my beliefs many times, and never have I replied with , “I believe gods do not exist.” yet that is exactly what you have stated as if it were in fact true.
If I did not understand either the definition, or implementation of choice, opinions, faith, beliefs, personality, or a joke (of which that was not), how could I function in society?
“you have not been expose to any concept of supernatural phenomena”
False. I am American, and was raised in an average American home. Heman, the Smurfs, Spiderman, Wonder Woman etcetera…
“you are taking that stance that you have never? once asked where you came from or why you exist”
That is not a stance to take. If someone tells you their history, it is an account, not a position. I never said that, never implied it.
“okay i’m not exactly sure where calling you a liar came into the equation here”
I told you, without belief in deities, here you are saying “you have faith in your ‘knowledge’ that the supernatural? doesn’t exist at all”
You have continually made statements of that sort. If you do not understand what is being said to you, do not make assumptions, just ask.
we are back to the literal meaning to the words “atheist”……I’m saying that the title of atheist in this world is given to those that hold the philosophy (being that nobody knows for an absolute fact) that supernatural deities and such do not exist in reality….the literal meaning of the word atheist is contradictory to how it’s used especially in your case cause it’s like talking to a wall….just because the word “amoral” exists doesn’t mean humans have the ability to be amoral …