Here is another video I share from Patricianatheist channel. He rightly observes that our minds, and consequently the beliefs, are formed with biases, in this case even the definition of Atheist is biased and made-up by Christians which form the majority of the western societies. Atheism is not a belief, like Acinderella is not someone who doesn’t believe in the fable of Cinderella. Human beings have invented thousand of gods/divinities/myths/fables. I don’t believe in them. I don’t believe in the gods invented by the Aztecs, to whom endless human sacrifices have been made, as well as the gods invented by Christians, Muslims, Hindus and so on. The Christians who believe in a word which is never mentioned in what they call Old Testament, are the best example we can use. In the Old Testament, read in the original language: Biblical Hebrew, we are introduced to many gods: Yahweh the warrior god brought around and worshiped by some middle eastern tribes to win their battles with their neighbors on nearby villages, El and the Elohim which also appear in the Genesis book as creators of the universe, and who are really similar to Zeus and the Olympian gods worshipped by the Greeks, and under different names in all the middle east, but which are unknown to the Far East like India and China. But if a person studies deeply the Old Testament and really learn Hebrew well, he/she will start to feel that those who copied the books made some changes (scholars to avoid to call those …
Some people believe Jesus was a witch. What is the truth?
@Shazoolo well, jesus is supposedely a mistranslation from latin to english i belive, in hebrew, and the original exts, his name hsi Yahshua, and God’s name is YHWH, so yashua means ” god saves” or “god with us” but the name jesus has no meaning in the hebrew.
jesus is fiction,and witchcraft isnt a religion,its a practice.
ummm yeah…we’ll go with that!
However, your devotional “relationship” is with a supernatural being who governs the conduct of human affairs, and is the cause of nature and happenings in the universe, is it not?
When you follow Jesus, isn’t it because of HIS rules, following a moral code?
no. what describes my relationship is me being passionately in love with a man, a spirit, brother, Father, husband, lover named Jesus. We walk together, talk together, listen to each other, carry on full conversations. He advises me, encourages me, and loves me unconditionally. It’s a personal relationship, not a set of rules and regulations or rituals
What is the difference between the magic of a so called witch, and the magic of Jesus.
How would you tell the difference?
If a person today walked on water and raised the dead, what would Christians think of that person?
Whether they realize it or not religion has “evolved”.
Religion- a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially
when considered as the creation of a supernatural agency or agencies, involving devotional and ritual observances, and containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
Does this describe your relationship?
right, Druid, but following Jesus is NOT RELIGION…it is RELATIONSHIP
they just keep shaving parts they dont want or act like it dont exist like the goddess in proverbs that say she was with god in the beginning and not to forget her this goddess was the lady who waits at the gates and cries for you to hear her call and if you reject the female side of the spirit you are doomed
just another way they hold womankind down
the bible also said if a woman wants to know something about god go home and ask your husband be quiet in church
Omg i cant believe this shit hahahaha im a pagan and i know for a 100% FACT that the jewish faith is pagan they sacrificed lambs
had priests who wore sigils all over the body on metals they have many spirits and gods
and warshiped also an angel Metatron and lets not forget the cabballa that is a reproduction of the ancient jewish Magic.
It could have gone that way. But instead the word Christians was chosen. We need to remember that there were other people called Jesus in that era (even today in some parts of the world that name is common). However, Christ means annointed one and was less open to confusion about who was being followed.
@Shazoolo If what you say is true, why were his followers not called Jesustians?
That’s a little like saying Buddah wasn’t a Buddhist, right? Jesus started the movement. Christian means follower of Christ. Jesus wouldn’t follow Himself now would He?
One thing is for sue. Jesus wasn’t a christian.
@SAUNDERSacts2618. Jesus is not God. The Godhead consists of three seperate beings. God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost. How could Jesus pray to himself on the cross? How could he fly away as a dove at his baptism as the Holy Ghost?
Here’s your answer. In the bible it says “If a person uses witchcraft they will be locked from the heavens” Jesus went to heaven because remember after he died from the cross and then he ressurectd he said I am going to my home HEAVEN your welcome
Also the term “witch doctor” was used as a perjorative in the 1950’s etc on Traditional Healers mainly from the African continent. Of course now the term is rarely used.
As I was saying to another poster.
The term “witch” may not have the same meaning in all cultures.
For example with many Native American communities the term “witch” usually is something negative. All though they call traditional “shamans” as Medicine Man or Medicine Woman as something positive.
For ancient Jews a “witch” may be someone who is not of their religion or of their culture. Or may be someone who only practices malefic magick. -A poisoner.
The term “witch” may not have the same meaning in all cultures.
For example with many Native American communities the term “witch” usually is something negative. All though they call traditional “shamans” as Medicine Man or Medicine Woman as something positive.
VIRGIN BIRTH There are two separate birth accounts in regards to Horus (neither depict a virgin birth):
Version 1: Hathor, the motherly personification of the milky way, is said to have conceived Horus but we are
told her husband, Ra, was an Egyptian sun god. Hathor (a sky goddess) was represented by the cow whose milk
brought forth the milky way. By the will of her husband Ra, she gave birth to Horus:
if it is as you say that jesus, is god then that means that in order for jesus to come into the world then god hade to mate with a women (mary) and father himself in the form of jesus, then he acends from his jesus state to his god state again after death! if you had read anything on new age paganizm then you would realise that you have just described the pagan god!!!!! DUDE CHRISTIANITY IS B,S
This is the only thing I will Say about Jesus.
He’s a cookie Cutter Saviour of the Mediterranean.
Say what? He shares all the same features as most of the other Saviours from that area. the furthest known one dating back 3000 years before Jesus. SO either its the same dude over and over. (meaning re-incarnation) Or its was an easier aspect to accept So the Christians made it so. Born on the 25th, to a virgin, son of god, 12 disciples, died and risen on the 3rd day. Yeshua was just a copy cat
So what is the study of medicine? HAHAHA! Look at his video about christians attacking pagans–I have 7 comments that explain why things are the way they are concerning GOD. That should help you understand that the knowledge we werent supposed to know–JESUS knew. So his miracles could easily be viewed if we went back in a time machine as maybe medical? His DIVINE knowledge could have been miracles because they didnt know how to do it.