layan… The cold November wind Whispers a tune tonight Reminds me that I am all alone Sitting in my bedroom I am trying to imagine you by my side As I close my eyes and drift away Into my world Where everything stays the same Cause I don’t want to live for the future The past is my only solitude Baby I am missing you And nobody knows it but me More than your kisses baby Your letters mingles in my soul It’s been 12 months and 12 cold nights Since I seen your face I am wondering what you’re doing tonight As I close my eyes and drift away I’ve heard you found somebody new Does he love you, does he care about you the way I do People tell me that I am dreamer Why can I get it over This feelings of being in a trance with you I wish I could turn back time Like these songs I have heard a million times Baby make it right Baby make it right Baby I am missing you And nobody knows it but me More than your kisses baby Your letters mingles in my soul It’s been 12 months and 12 cold nights Since I seen your face I am wondering what you’re doing tonight As I close my eyes and drift away I’m drifting away.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
can someone give me the guitar chord/tab? i’d really like to play this song
@MrButterneo sori bro.. tader.. huhu~
lagu lama nie, vid die perform live kat hitz tade ke ? papepun meremang bulu roma aku tgk dieorg perform lagu nie live 2008 dulu tak silap aku
@jye3677 owh~ sori~ tader la.. :/
dude,ada x video lagu ni masa dia perform live kat
take out that old stuff

dah lama aku cari lagu ni kat youtube.

thanx bro!
what the hell is this..where’s the video clip? cool song really like it…wish to watch the clip…
really the best song that i’ve never heard this before…
better live with acoustic guitar…
make it right!!!!!

ada mcm tiru lgu lain ni…tapi best…