Live at Niche – I didn’t record this, just posting it up for all the DVS fans
Video Rating: 4 / 5

UNITEN JAMMFEST 2008 Semifinal on 16 March 2008 @ Uniten Bangi @ Putrajaya Malaysia. High Council: fendi-vocalist@keyboardist, juan khatib-bassist, yazzer-guitarist, ayid-guitarist@keyboardist, man-drummer.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@neyded I watched it BECAUSE they stole their name from the infamous punk-garage duo Deja Voodoo. Just because I dont have the same boring taste in music you do I should be banned?!?!?! Heil NEYDED Heil! you fucking NAZI>(lol)
youtube should banned your kind of people. if you dislike it, why bother watching?
Yes, Rithan is amazingly good! No one can dispute that. pedcie, u tell em!
1 of d hell guitarworks
fuck head do you know Rithan(guitarist) in the video got selected out of 123 guitarist in malaysia to play by Vai himself live at singapore? so dont talk crap you noob.
boring….if i want individualistic i go with Greg Ginn, or Eugene Chadbourne. Thank You and Good Day….boring idiot!!
u want individualistic,, watch satriani or vai.. idiot..!!
Malaysia Rules!!
you are an idiot…..and not malaysian………
Have you heard the real original band named Deja Voodoo? If so, youd see why this is a dissappointment. A fucking boring dissappointment.
ahah..dont be too emo bro..its all about music..
the real “deja voodoo” was a two man band from Montreal. Tony Dewald and Gerard Van Herk. This here was disappointing, boring, nothing individualistic, i mean if i wanted to hear this style of music i’d just as soon listen to somebody who did 20 years ago
great indi band in malaysia……..
He has Joe Satriani’s touch!
Rithan Rocks!
the malaysian steve vai!!!
I agree with neoh’s comment.
progressive!!!!!! hell yeahH!!!
Nice watch….
this is awsome…cool man…as a malaysian…im so proud of this band…
haha.. he might play a bit like vai neoh but thats cause vai is his main inspiration behind rithan’s music.. i bet u wont be able to tell if we mix a bunch of instrumentals by vai petrucci satriani with his.. and for ur info he did perform on stage with vai in singapore.. he might not be as good as those guitarists mentioned above but he is definitely reaching there if not already.. if ur music knowledge is extensive then u shouldnt critisize someone whose fault is being born in malaysia..
hahaha….. Rithan always says to me:
“aku asal dari negara Johor…”
rithan endorsed by ibanez….since 2002 (asian beat) dulu bassist dvs ni bob x kristal kan?
nah, don’t think he’s an official representative, but i think he does clinics for ’em in malaysia? right? can anybody confirm this?
is he ibanez repesent…?