Occult demonic faces on toys for kids. Notice the Demonic face which is visible when you put the toys together made by Tech Deck for Paul Rodriguez and Ryan Sheckler. Notice the “IB” on the face! This relates to the heart according to the Ancient Egyptians. See en.wikipedia.org Are Satanic priest placing spells and incantations on the toys? This is the actual spell from the Egyptian book of the dead: books.google.com Find out more at: www.theSignsoftheTime.net
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@DarksideCookiez I hate him.
Satan’s a bitch.
I know he’s thinking, “why thank you.”
I would not worry too much about it due to the simple fact that only a mouse could ride those skateboards.
Seriously it is a demonic form even if the faces don’t match up, but its not a spell. It is true though to an exstent that the toy introduces a demonic form as being cool to young minds. Not a message I endorse for my kids. Heck I am not to happy about my girls playing with barbies either though. Barbies origins are a pornographic toy produced in germany research it if you don’t believe me.
the face doesnt even fit.and what is your real message? that kids get demonized by it?serious tell me.blessed be
I don’t think you’re serious, because the the face is a medieval jester. The spell you show is not ib, it’s 1b as in one and B. lol