supernatural. Traditional Korean thought the conviction that countless demons inhabit in nature, they fill household objects and are present in all countries. By thousands they accompany travelers, seeking them from their place in the elements.
In ancient Babylon, demonology had an influence on even the most mundane elements of life, ranging from minor hassles to the emotions of love and hatred. The numerous demonic spirits were in charge of different parts of the human body, one for the head, one for the neck, and so on. In Egypt today, the ubiquitous jinn are considered so closely situated that actions such as pouring water on the ground, accompanied by seeking permission potentially dampened spirit.
Greek philosophers such as Porphyry, who claimed the influence of Platonism and the Fathers of the Christian Church, believed that the world was imbued with the spirit, the latter of which put forward the view that the demons have worship to pagan gods.
Many religions and cultures to believe or once believed, that what is now known as sleep paralysis, a form of physical contact with the daemons.
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