You defend your faith by trying to make a relation between Dreiser’s novel called the Titan and a ship called the Titanic? What is the relationship between that and Christianity deifying Mary as a Mother Goddess-modeling her after so many other Queen of Heavens, Madonnas and Mother Of Gods? Does that disprove that Christianity did not STEAL qualities from other Mother Goddesses and attributed them to Mary? Just about every civilization had a Mother Goddess, or a Great Mother. The Hebrews had a Mother Goddess, too-her name is Mary. Mary was shaped and fashioned after several goddesses throughout history-genius. Anyone that has thorough familiarity with the history of Christianity knows this, Abu-the Christian church has a notoriety of STEALING pagan rites, customs, traditions and theology, incorporate it to their own theology, rites, customs and traditions, but DO NOT give credit to where the concept came from. This is called what in the academic world, Abu? Christian Apologists Christianity Mother Goddesses Isis Seramisis Shingmoo Devaki black hebrew israelites
thank you.
go through our vids on the R.A.M. channel page.that has been done,thanks though.thanks for viewing.
i think that your next video should be about how jesus was actualy a stolen idea from egyptian times who would do the same magic acts as jesus was suppose to do. and i think there are about 4 or 5 others b4 jesus who would do the same acts and also claimed to be the son of god.
REBELALLIANCEMEDIA, ABU does nothing more then finds one little error or something which was to be sooner explained further, and attempts to make a huge theological argument of it. When the fact never changes that he always takes people out of context. He created a video against me claiming I stated things. Which was half the discussions. My argument was further to be presented. But he couldn’t even let me finish. Before he took me out of context. I know ABUKHAMRALMASEEHEE mind trick games.
For some reason, my work PC does not allow me to post comments to this video, thus I am writing this from my mobile, and cannot reply directly to Sirius.
Nonetheless, SIRIUS, I could not find Schulz’ in any library, or on B&N or Amazon. But I did find an online version. According to Schulz, Semiramis was emphatically NOT a virgin. She had Nimrod with Cush, and then had Horus in an incestuous union with Nimrod. So what parallels do you see between Semiramis and Mary in the gospels?
AbuKhamrAlMaseeHee – My souce is a book wirtten by a scholar entitled Exploring Ancient History -The First 2500 Years, Schulz,ch11,24. Also a book by John D. Sims Scriptural Harmony Process. The books both show archeoloigical evidence of a parallel between Semiraimis and Mary of the Gospels. Now if you deny this as souces and evidence. I’ll just find more sources from the books I have. Mary of the Gospels is not the foretold mother of the messiah and Jesus is not the foretold messiah.
SIRIUS, with all due respect, you have changed the subject from what I was inquiring about. You said that the story of Semiramis parallels the story of Mary in the gospels. So I was asking you to cite which pre-Christian source has these parallels. Please respond to this directly.
By the way, you called me a Muslim, so I just want to clarify: I am not, at this point in my life, a Muslim (though the name I employ is Arabic, it is distinctly non-Muslim; e.g. al-MaseeHee means “the Christian”).
You welcome… I respect AbuKhamrMasseHee but he and other Muslims allways fall victim to Christianity but yet they make statements that Christianity is a false relgion, But pretty much believe the same concepts Christians beleive. The Hebrews beleived the opposite of what pagans beleived regarding this Babylonian trinity which was spread to Egypt, India, Mexico, Rome all over the world.
The concept of Virgin Mary, Immaculate conception, Jesus God incarnated and Holy Spirit can not be found in HEBREW prophesy! If you read the original Hebrew, Mary is called almah which means young woman. Jesus is referred to as Teacher of Rightousness. They never once called them Mary, Joseph or Jesus. New Testament Bible translators made that up. Jesus of the Gospels is not the foretold Hebrew messiah described by prophet Ezikiel and Moses based on Dueteronomy 18:18 and Ezikiel Chapters 40-45.
thank u, sir.
SIRIUS, again, I would ask that you provide concrete examples. What pre-Christian sources mentioning Semiramis do you have in mind, and what are the parallels they have with the story of Mary in the gospels?
Tahar beleives in Semiramis. He stated in a video Ive seent that their were historicans who wrote about Jesus and Mary walking around earth at a certain point when thats no true. Semiramis is Mary of the Gospels. Take away the cosonants of the name Semiramis you get the name Miriam ( Mary )! These New Testament Bible translators new what they were doing. They wrote the gospels parallel to Babylonian paganism. Ive read that book The Two Babylons. In that book Semiramis is refered to as Ishtar.
SIRIUS, regarding Semiramis, could you elaborate? I recall seeing that name while glossing over Hislop’s “The Two Babylons” years ago, and have seen Tahar say the name *many* times, but don’t know much beyond (and I don’t recall either Hislop or Tahar backing up their claims).
Could you cite the pre-Christian sources which recount stories about Semiramis that have parallels with the story of Mary in the gospels?
I look forward to what you have to share on this subject.
well done K.O.C
Revel Alliance is correct as for as Christianity having ancient pagan backgrounds. If you look up semiramis she has the same exact story of Mary in the Gospels. Only that Semaramis existed 3,000 years before Mary according to Babylonian mythology. The story of Jesus in the gospels has the same exact story as Tammuz the son of Bel of the Babylonians. So they do have pagan backgrounds, Mary and Jesus did not exist. Only according to mythology.
I missed the part at 5:40 about Obama. Take another look at my video…
…from 3:55-4:06. It is not merely a picture of Obama with his mother; rather he is recast as Christ and his mother recast as Mary. The caption even paraphrases Matthew 1:23 (or Isaiah 7:14). That image was preceded by images of Obama cast as superman, and as Christ, even having have a crown of thorns!
Clearly many different people borrowed from pre-existing artistic themes when depicting Obama.
Finally, what was that bit from 3:40 to 4:20 which mockingly called me defender of the faith, divinely inspired, the one who God is dealing with, “keeper and founder of truth,” et cetera? Gentlemen, I am not like the UPKers. I don’t claim to be a scholar, or expert, or prophet, or authority, or anything like that. I even called myself “amateur” in a comment to one of your videos. I am just one lay person raising objections to certain points you have shared. Is that okay with you gentlemen?
You asked how with similar stories, one can be historical and the others fictional. There’s nothing logically incoherent about such a case. For example, if both Obama and a homeless man in Grand Central claim to be the President, it is possible for one claim to be true and the other false. Analogously, Morgan Robertson’s novel is a work of fiction about a ship hitting an iceberg & killing over 2000 people, while the Titanic was a real ship which hit a real iceberg, killing over 2000 real people.
Regarding the novel, I would ask that you see my video. It had nothing to do with Dreiser; rather I was refering to “Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan” by Morgan Robertson. That novel described a massive ship called the Titan, which hit an iceberg, and sank, killing over 2000 passengers. More than a decade later, a real life ship with a similar name (Titanic) hit an iceberg and sank, killing over 2000 passangers. The simple point is that a real event can mirror a pre-existing work of fiction.
Thanks for the video, gentlemen. A lot to cover here. First, yes, absolutely, other figures in history were called “Queen of Heaven” before Mary. Christians don’t deny this; rather this fact is recorded in the Old Testament, just as it records that some called Nebucanezzar “King of Kings” before Jesus was. But so too, since then Qadhaafee was recently declared “King of Kings” by an assembly of the African Union. I don’t see how bestowing pre-existing titles on a person negates their existence.
WHEN is the moviecoming out,Mana
damn 330 views, in two hours,thats a record, i wonder who is WATCHING! LOL
they just WATCH…….
Yeah, I saw Zeitgeist too
zeitgeist |?ts?t?g?st; ?z?t-|
noun [in sing. ]
the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time
I didn’t say the council of Nicaea made Mary a goddess, I said “prior to” Constantine and the council of Nicaea. The first council of Nicaea 325 A.D. was when they began integrating paganism into Christianity. The virgin birth was not integrated before that.