stop there, they begin to live the principles they have developed.
So therefore, its up to each person, to ask, do I wish to be a saint?
How Can One Be Spiritual and Still Live in the Material World?
This has been a dilemma for ages, and a question not easily answered. It is enough to say you can be “in” this world but not “of” this world.
The material conditions of the world change continually. The spiritual conditions of the world never change. So as you are developing your spirituality, you can even enjoy the world, only not be bound up in it.
This binding is called Karma, and keeps even saints from being liberated in spirit.
You must not be ‘of’ the world, as this will deny its spiritual reality. While “in” the world, you can still understand that all moves, all exists, all that ceases to exist, were expressions, or rather reflections from a spiritual reality.
If you can accept this, you can become spiritual, live and do your work in the material world, but never be bound by it.
You can in this simple way, not incur Karma, and should you carry this principle out to its logical end, you can become a saint.
What is Sainthood?
Depending on what particular religion you follow, a saint can be defined differently in general terms.
However in its basic terms, all saints have realized the spiritual basis of all creation, and have joined it, and are well attached not to creation, but to the creator.
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