by government servants lead to a reduction of wealth.”
o KEITH RICHARDS –”I’ve never had a problem with drugs. Ive had problems with the police.” o KENN NESBITT –”I tripped and dropped my homework/in the soup my mom was cooking/My brother flushed it down the toilet/when I wasn’t looking.” o KISHORE ASTHANA –”Dreamer i am/ Through and through/1 dream a me/ And dream a you/often dream/ Worlds anew/And all think/ They really are. No logic lives/ No minutes march/ All is now/ No future, past/ make things/ Which will not last/ And games are played/Of zero sums. Life and death/ Pass me by/ In bridal veils/ Hesitant, shy/1 make them laugh/1 make them cry/ And go on/ My merry way.”
o KISHORE ASTHANA –”Useless are your pilgrimages galore If your tho ghts remain as before And useless is a whole month’s fast If your mind continues its merry repast Of what use is your sacrificial fire If it doesn’t burn your base desire And God will surely set your prayers aside If you visit a temple and then show pride Your pilgrimages, fasts, worship, sacrifice All these will never suffice If your conduct continues to remain the same For then these are not holy. They’re just a game.”
o KOFI ANNAN –”The first condition for success is leadership at every level.”
o KT PANDURANGI –”When Arjuna hesitates to fight on seeing his gurus, relatives and others closely associated with him, Sri Krishna delivered Gitopadesha and’ helped him to realize that everything is under the control of Supreme God and he has to discharge his duty in dedication to Him.”
o KULARNAVA TANTRA –”Before adversities arrive, before the limbs de cay, achieve thy weal.”
o KULARNAVA TANTRA –”Even a hundred years of life is too little. Sleep takes away half of it and the other half is expended in
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