not any sign./ The One breathed without breath by its own impulse. Other than that was nothing at all.
o NASADIYA SUKTA, RIG VEDA –”Darkness was there, all wrapped around by darkness,/ and all was Water indiscriminate,/ Then that which was hidden by Void, that One, emerging,/ stirring, through power of Ardor, came to be.”
o NASADIYA SUKTA, RIG VEDA –”In the beginning Love arose,/ which was primal germ cell of mind./ The Seers, searching in their hearts with wisdom, discovered the connection of Being in Nonbeing…”
o NASADIYA SUKTA, RIG VEDA –”That out of which creation has arisen, whether it held it firm or it did not,/ He who surveys it in the highest heaven,/ He surely knows — or maybe He does not! ” o NASADIYA SUKTA, RIG VEDA –”Who really knows? Who can presume to tell it?/ Whence was it born?/ Whence issued this creation?/ Even the Gods came after its emergence./Then who can tell from whence it came to be?”
o NICHOLAS CHAMFORT –”only thing that stops God from sending another flood is that the first one was useless.” o NIKOLAI BERDYAEV –”I see two initial motives in man’s inner life: the I search for meaning and the search for the eternal.”
o NIRALAMBOPANISHAD –”Bondage consists in imagining due to the beginningless latent impressions of nescience, ‘i am born’… It consists in imagining a plunge into the flux of existence with its possessive claims on fields, gardens, houses, children, wives, brothers, mothers and fathers. Bondage is the conceit of egoistic agency in regard to actions… It is the planning of action and duties bound up with castes and stations of life. Bondage is to imagine that Atman has qualities like doubts, fear… It is to plan to devote oneself exclusively to moksha. Bondage is what springs exclusively
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