the doubts will collapse.”
o RAMSEY DARK –”The measure of your quality as a public person, as a citizen, is the gap between what you do and what you say.”
o RAPHIE FRANK –”We can do better than this. If we believe and if we do it together. All of us. The Fallen and the Forgiven. The Lawyer and the Ditch Digger. The Boho and the Soho. Atheists and Christians, and Jews and Muslims. Red and Blue. Purple and White. Yellow and Black. The fight is not with each other, but in our riven hearts. Those riven hearts we can’t bear to look inside.”
o RAY BRADBURY –”You muM^stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.” o RENUKA CHOWDHURY –”All of us — media, parents, citizens — need to swing into action. It is a collective failure that we allow these things to happen.” o REV A S KENDALL –”From motives of habit of prejudice or economic advantage, or perhaps even laziness, some people would give blind support to a political party and would vote for it even if the Devil himself were the candidate.”
o RICHARD DAWKINS –”The theory of evolution by cumulative natural selection is the only theory we know of that is in principle capable of explaining the existence of organised complexity.”
o RIG VEDA –” Who knows truly? Who here will declare whence it arose, whence this creation? The gods are subsequent to the creation of this. Who, then, knows whence it has come into being?” o RIG VEDA –”One should performdeeds for the benefitof all beings with anunbiased approachbecause bias gives birthto evil, which createsthousands of obstaclesin our path.”
o RIG VEDA –”Waters contain All disease-dispelling medicaments, Useful for the upkeep of our body, So that we may live long To enjoy the bright sun. That there is ambrosia in waters, There is healing
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