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balm in them, And there are medicinal herbs, Know this all, And by their proper use become wiser.”
o RIG VEDASAMHITA –”The enlightened sages first observe, then they make a deep study of the secrets of God’s creation. Then they repeatedly form their own versions filled with new vigour and uited to the times.”
o ROBERT BYRNE –”Anybody who believes that the wayto^a/mmfs heartis through his stomach flunked geography.” o ROBERT BYRNE –Democracy is being allowed to vote for the candidate you dislike least.” o ROBERT FRITZ –”Transcendence is the power to be born anew, to make a fresh start, to turn over a new leaf, to begin with a clean slate, to enter into a state of grace, to have a second chance./ Transcendence makes no reference to the past, whether your past has been overflowing with victories or filled with defeats. When you enter a state of transcendence you are able to createanewlife…/Transcendence is more than just the accurate realisation that the past is over. It is also a realignment of all dimensions of yourself with the very source of your life.”
o ROBERT FROST –”You have freedom when you’re easy in your harness.”
o ROBERT HERRICK –”Men are not born kings, but are men renown’d; Chose first, confirm’d next, and at last are crown’d.”
o ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON –”An aspiration is a joy forever, to possession as solid as a landed estate.” o ROSE FRANKEN –”Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly.” o RUMI –”When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.”


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