Question by Briarose Angel: Did Bella think sex with Edward hurt?
Ok for most girls sex hurts for the first time and since he’s a vampire it probably hurt 100x more, but she didn’t think that? i don’t even know what she thought of the sex. all she said was that it was magical or something. i mean do you think it hurt or is she just too “dazzled” by edward to not notice the pain?
Best answer:
Answer by Aly
There is no way she was that ‘dazzled’. Either his big strong vampire penis knocked her out, or he drugged her.
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised by either.
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Yeah, dazzled. Mainly she’s so amazing that she’s finally with Edward, and that their bodies fit so well, and the pleasure, that she doesn’t notice anything else. Sure, she’s covered with bruises the next morning, but this is also Bella. And let’s face it; the girl is a klutz. So she’s used to bruises and whatnot that she doesn’t even notice it anymore, thus not realizing what Edward is so upset about the following morning.
My opinion: She was to “dazzled” to notice, or at least that’s the way Meyer made it seem. She probably didn’t wan’t to write about all the sexual details LOL.
lol. no. she said something like it was perfect.
She was too busy getting horny with Edward that she didn’t mind the pain. Sex with a cold, marble hard body hurts a lot, but Bella is too stupid and immature to realize that. All she wants is sex with Edward. She doesn’t give a damn about Edward’s interests and hobbies.