Question by Jacie*Lee*Is*Lush: did u find out what sex the baby was?
at my 20week scan i found out i was having a girl and sure enough 22 short weeks later (lol) i had a beautiful baby girl, since then iv had a few friends have babies and they didnt find out the sex, they say iv missed out magical thing hearing what sex the baby is after all that waiting!! i wouldnt change my decision but would u? how many of u found out?
oooh, and did anyone get told wrong, iv heard of that before too xx
Best answer:
Answer by Carlie W
At my 20 weeks scan i found out i was having a boy, i wanted to know as i wanted to plan ahead and get everything ready for the arrival! i always wanted to find out what the sex was so no i wouldnt change my mind! people told me not to find out and wait for the surprise, but i couldnt wait i was so excited about finding out what i was hiving.
Im only 26 weeks, so i dont know about been told the wrong sex, when the midwife check the sex of the baby she said it was a boy, she could be wrong but shes never seen a girl with that between her legs so she was 100% sure he was a he xx
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I found out last week that I’m having a boy. I’ve had family tell me that waiting till I give birth to find out the sex is the best thing to do, but it wasn’t what I wanted to do. Plus, my boyfriend and I are very impatient, so waiting wouldn’t really work for us.
If you’re happy with finding out, like I am, than that’s what matters.
i very young (bout 2 b 12) but know a lot 4 some reason. i think 1.) this is an opinion question 2.) that i think when i grow up 2 have one i’ll wait for birth cause you never know when they wont see the baby correctly
im 37weeks and found out what im having but as soon as she told me i wish i ant of asked plus 2 of my friends got told they was having girls and both had boys xx
I found out at the 18 week scan but I knew it was a boy from the moment I got pregnant.
I have heard people say that too, how wonderful it is when it is a surprise. Depends on the person. I don’t like surprises! I am a planner. I like to be organised. I wanted to buy blue baby clothes and have people know it was a boy to reduce the amount of white clothes they bought! Also I could decorate the room etc etc
I will not hesitate to find out the sex next time around either…
I most definately wanted to find out. I personally think for myself anyway, that it’s special to have found out right now. Up until we found out, we had called our baby “Nugget” as a nickname, and now that we know he’s a boy, we have started calling him by his name. It makes it feel more ‘real’ because you know who is in there.
There’s nothing wrong with people not finding out. I for one can’t stand a surprise lol It would have driven me absolutely batty to not know. More power to them, I just can’t stand the suspense lol
The last I really ever heard of anyone getting told the wrong sex was when I was in high school. A girl I knew, her parents were told she was going to be a boy, but she obviously wasn’t.
I found out my son was a boy at 19 weeks .. I wouldn’t change my decision .. I think it was just as exciting finding out .. Just quicker .. There was no denying he was a boy .. I could tell before the nurse said anything ,,, Lol .. In the end though its the mothers/fathers personal choice .. And the shouldn’t try and make other mothers feel bad for finding out early! I’m currently pregnant and when the time comes i’ll find out at the ultrasound again .. =D
With my first child, I wanted to find out so bad! I had 2 u/s and baby was not cooperating either time so I never got to find out. When my son was born, it was really cool to hear the doc say “its a boy!” But with my second and third (which im 22weeks pregnant with #3 now) having the doc say “its a girl” at the u/s was just as exciting as hearing it in the delivery room. I am a BIG planner and have this need to get things organized and in order. And its much more fun to dress a girl in pink and a boy in blue. The greens, yellows and whites just dont do justice
Yes, I found out at my 20 weeks scan as well….and even if I didn’t want to know, lol, there was no hiding it….the first image she took of him, all you could see, was 2 little legs wide open, and his little “member” sticking straight up. The ultrasound tech is like well I guess I don’t need to tell you what it is….lol…it was very funny.
but yeah, I wanted to know….I wanted to make sure I knew what I needed to buy – yeah I know it would be exciting to wait, but I didn’t want a whole bunch of gender neutral color stuff, you know, if it’s a boy, I want him to have boy things…
You didn’t miss out on a magical thing – the magical thing is being pregnant, having a life grow inside of you, and having the baby….and being a mommy =D
i found out as soon as i could what i was having, and if i have another i plan to find out as well again.. sure its exciting to find out, but its exciting to know during an ultrasound too lol.. i wouldn’t be able to not find out what i was having! lol
ive heard of people being told they were having girls and it turned out to be boys, but havent yet heard the opposite..seems that girls have more of a chance to be wrongly determined