Question by king_of_crusade: Did you know that Muslims are Pagans???
Muslims pray 5 times a day but not to the true God the god of Israel, they pray towards a Pagan city called mecca, towards a Pagan temple called (Kabba), to their god. A BLACK STONE? yes its true, ask any Muslim, what god did the Arabs pray to before Islam, guess? Allah the same god!!!!! its a Pagan god a MOON GOD. Thats why you always see the cresent moon in Muslim culture. Islam itself doesnt make sence Christians belive in the Jewish books, and belive Jesus himself is spoken of, espically in Isiah. But nowhere does it speak of the false mohammed.
Best answer:
Answer by rissaofthesaiyajin
Well done! You win the Bigot of the Week contest!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
You are just walking encyclopedia!!!
Switch off your CNN man
So says the person who worships a ‘trinity’… Get over yourself. Islam is, as far as I can see, the most truly monotheistic of the Abrahamic relgions. I’m not Muslim but I give them credit for this. Praying _towards_ a black stone and praying _to_ a black stone are hardly the same thing.
As for this ‘moon god’ stuff, it’s been commented on so many times that it’s not worth repeating, except to say that God apparently gave Muhammad proof of his existence by making stars visible within the diameter of a crescent moon (something that would otherwise, of course, be impossible).
Of course, it wouldn’t matter even if they were pagan. As for all the ‘Islam doesn’t make sense because it’s not Christianity’… well, I think intelligent comment on that is impossible.
did you know you are an idiot?
“duh did you duh know that duh…”
Well that’s a big lie. Do you enjoy lying about people you don’t understand?
Why are you so worried what people of other faiths are doing?
NO KIDDING! I didn’t know that. They claim to worship the god of Abraham, but that isn’t so, is it? I always considered them pagans, but no moreso than other non-Christians. They really are pagan by the strictest definition, aren’t they? Thanks for the information!
Right. You’re criticising someone else for believing in “pagan” myths when you base your entire life around one of the most ridiculous books ever written – the Bible.
Haven’t you got the intellectual high ground.
We muslims worship The One Almighty God (Allah in arabic), we belive in all of God’s massengers and prophets including Jesus peace be upon him. We believe that Jesus was born by a miracle and that he is a human being, chosen by God to be His prophet.
The black stone that you refer to is Ka’aba, we dont worship that stone, we use it as a direction, so all the muslims in the whole world pray to one direction. Thats all.
Yes, i knew it.
with the word pagan actually meaning anyone that is not of your own chosen religion. then everyone is pagan.
i like the modern defination of belief in more than one god…
which is how i describe myself.
the name Allah is derived from the name of an ancient Arab god, but as far as the ancient Arab gods go there were none named Allah…..Allah i believe is Aramaic for God.
And Abraham and Ishmael were the ones who built the temple, which, nourished by an endless supply of underground water, flourished into a city that has withstood the tests of time. Isn’t that wonderful?
Actually, I think anybody who believes in religion but not in practical humanitarianism is a bit of a pagan.
i cant stop laughing … well the whole world has realized the fact that Islam is the best religion ever … and u r still stuck ..!!! GOSH !!!!
… well Muslims worship only one God n there is no God but Allah !!!
b4 islam .. in the black era.. ppl worshipped idols … of any shape .. like a goat or cow . or even they worshipped Sun or Moon … !!! but when the sun of guidence rose .. they all got to know the truth … n sum of them embraced islam … while the minority still beleived in false hood religion ..!!! we dont worship the kaaba .. we worship directing towards it … coz thats the house of Allah .. that Abraham (p.b.u.h). n his son built …
GET ON THE RIGHT TRACK DUDE …. high time !!!!
This in no way seems real, and you christians wonder why they hate you as much as you hate them….
you are an Fool…………… ask any muslim they will tell stupid you do know anything try to know first…………..
They’re pure pagans
Muslims are NOT pagans.
We pray TO One God, and we pray facing TOWARDS the Kaabah. Which by the way is NOT a black stone, but a structure built by Abraham and Ishmael (Peace be upon them).
We do not worship the moon!!
The coming of Muhammed was foretold in the previous revealed Books, including the ORIGINAL bible
So instead of passing your opinion on, why don’t you do some research????
where do u put ur brain?
Well, “Duhh!”
Have you bothered to actually LOOK UP the definition of the word “Pagan”?
Seems not…but just for you, as you don’t seem to own a dictionary, ANYONE who does not believe in the christian god, is considered to be a “pagan”. It also means “country dweller”.
As for praying to “Allah”…I suggest you look up what that word means and the roots of it, as it simply the Hebrew for “God”. Tell me, what language was the bible translated from, other than Greek? Any idea? Let me enlighten you, it was….yup, you guessed it…Hebrew!!!
So, sort of piddles on YOUR bonfire now, doesn’t it, my PAGAN friend! LOL @ you!
(it’s so funny to see people commenting on things they know absolutely nothing about!)
First of all, Muslims believe that the God of Christians, Jews, Muslims, and all the humans is one God.
and If Muslims god is a Moon God, as you said. Why they believe that, Moses, Juses, and Ibrahim are all prophets from God as same as prophet Muhammad?!!
Also when a muslim metion the name of any one of them or any other prophet he should says “peace be upon him” after the name of ibrahim, juses, Moses, or Muhammad.
About “Kabba”, it’s true that all Muslims all over the world pray toward Kabba because God asked them for that in Quran and it’s a sign of unity.
About the crescent moon, it’s not the Muslims’ god, it’s just a sign to the begins of Ramadan, time when Muslims start fasting, and before people used the moon to know the times of the year.
did you know that the christian celebrations are based on pagan ceremonies? easter is from eostre (and other names like aphrodite), a mother goddess of fertility and spring.
wow. you are the sole reason why Americans are looked upon as judgemental, misinformed, and rude. i’m glad you have so much time to waste on being ignorant.
Paganism and Islam are 2 seperate things! You could at least do the research before you open your mouth and look like a complete moron!