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Question by WARLOCK: Did you know the “christ”mas tree was first a pagan fertility symbol?
Pagans didn’t worship sex per se. They worshipped fertility. The ability to make babies, (the rites for healthy babies). The tree symbolized the male “you know what”! That’s why they hang all those balls on it!
Jeremiah 10.

Best answer:

Answer by Lone Dissenter again
Yes I did know that.
More proof Christian is not Christian

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10 Responses to Did you know the “christ”mas tree was first a pagan fertility symbol?

  • Drucilla says:


  • Sister Sumthinsumthin says:

    The entire story of Jesus is from old pagan folklore

    Look it up

    I get a laugh how some Christians pick on other Christians saying their traditions are based in paganism but ignore the fact that the entire religion was taken from pagan beliefs

  • Alorer says:

    I knew that. And you make a critical semantic mistake. They didn’t and don’t worship fertility. They worship Gods. Fertility is held as sacred and honourable for being the requirement if you wish for abundance and life.

  • Stainless Steel Rat says:

    Actually the whole christmas celebration is centered around an old Roman holiday called Saturnalia. The tree thing was added to it.

    Edit: I see by the thimbs down that some people don’t believe me. Here is a link. Follow it and please read it.What I said is true.

  • Frankie says:

    Here is the story of the Christmas tree and it’s origin.

  • Darth Drummer says:

    yes, I knew that…I’m still a Christian, and I still celebrate Christmas

  • greenshootuk says:

    It was not. There is no historial evidence for that whatsoever and if your “you know what” is shaped like a Christmas tree with dozens of balls on it, I’d go and see a doctor quick!!!

    The Christmas tree actually represents the tree in the Garden of Eden and the balls hung on it represent the fruit on the tree. It was originally put up on Christmas Eve in Germany to commemorate Adam and Eve and kept up to commemorates Christ, the second Adam, as he is known. My family kept the Christmas Eve tradition for many years – my mother wouldn’t let us decorate the tree before then – her gran was German.

  • Heathen Princess says:

    Wow..I love the “I read it on the Internet” scholars we have here.

    Christmas trees were a German tradition and were not widely used as tradition until Prince Albert brought the tradition to England when he married Victoria.

    The tree in the house to the Germanic pagans had to do with luck not fertility. The rites at Yule weren’t about fertility either.

    Christmas itself is Christan with Mithras flavoring. Most traditions found in Christmas are Germanic, not Roman.

  • psychic_reikimaster_clairvoyant! says:

    yes i did, seeing how i am Pagan lmao.

    and also i believe the Maypole was considered a fertility symbol lol

  • Wolf says:

    Celebration of the Norse New Year; a festival of 12 nights. This is the most important of all the Norse holidays. On the night of December 20, the god Ingvi (Freyr) rides over the earth on the back of his shining boar, bringing Light and Love back into the World. In later years, after the influence of Christianity, the god Baldur, then Jesus, was reborn at this festival. Jul signifies the beginning and end of all things; the darkest time (shortest hour of daylight) during the year and the brightest hope re-entering the world. During this festival, the Wild Hunt is at its greatest fervor, and the dead are said to range the Earth in its retinue. The god Wotan (Odin) is the leader of this Wild Ride; charging across the sky on his eight-legged horse, Sleipnir; a very awe-inspiring vision. In ancient times, Germanic and Norse children would leave their boots out by the hearth on Solstice Eve, filled with hay and sugar, for Sleipnir’s journey. In return, Wotan would leave them a gift for their kindness. In modern times, Sleipnir was changed to a reindeer and the grey-bearded Wotan became the kindly Santa Claus (Father Christmas).

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