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included in her tarot portrayal support this. She is the very heartbeat of the earth and of all life. She is the divine potential represented by the cards that came before made real and tangible.

When the Empress makes an appearance in a tarot spread, she is relatively easy to interpret. When representing someone other than the querent, she is almost always going to stand for a mother figure. If she’s not the actual mother, then she is very likely someone who plays a similar role for the querent in one way or another. If the Empress is situated in such a way that she represents the querent herself, then it should be taken to mean that she is at a point in her life when she’s feeling somewhat maternal, although this does not have to be in a traditional sense that revolves around children. She may also be feeling protective or “motherly” in regards to a new business venture or a new relationship.

When the Empress decides to make an appearance, the message she sends is to take into consideration all the lessons that she teaches. Whether the situation in question involves a new business, a life change, or an actual baby, the Empress reminds us – whether we’re male or female – that if it is to thrive, it must be cared for, tended carefully, and nurtured until it reaches that next stage. However, it’s also important to note that it’s perfectly possible to be too protective. Too much care, attention, and nurturing could smother the potential of the project in question before it ever has a chance to realize its potential.

Lisa Ray is the creator of the Ultimate Tarot Trainer, an easy-to-use software program that helps beginners learn to read tarot cards. ***Be sure to test your psychic powers for free at***

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