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plenty of white areas to avoid straining the reader’s eyes!

Use plenty of bulleted lists. This highlights the points that you are trying to make in a way that is particularly easy to absorb and comprehend.

Pick an easy to read font (I tend to use Verdana) and make sure that the spacing between lines make the pages of your eBook comfortable to read, even on the smallest PC screen.

Spell check the whole thing, but don’t rely on it totally. Type in “an” when you meant “and” and the spellchecker may well miss it (it is a word, after all) but it could make your sentence nonsensical, and lead your reader off in completely the wrong direction!

Proof read it at least a couple of times, and then get someone else to do the same. Absolutely, totally guaranteed that they will pick up errors that you missed (I used to proof read for a leading English school in Japan, so I know what I am talking about!)

Finally, compile the book itself. The most widely accepted format for such publications are PDF files, and these also allow you to publish your book with in-built security features, so that people cannot, for example, copy and past your work.

If you need a great free tool for creating PDF files, do a search for PrimoPDF. I use their PDF creator tool all he time, and would thoroughly recommend it to anyone.

Once it’s in PDF format, that’s it, you’re done.

Great job – you are now a full fledged member of the eBook writer’s guild (or, you would be, if I hadn’t just made that up!).

Steve Cowan is an inveterate spouter of nonsense about an almost unending range of topics on his blog site at

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