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no surprise to find out that we have the highest number of synaptic pathways that we ever have during the course of our lives. Do these extra connections provide a medium to the psychic realm? Is our brain wired towards the paranormal at earlier stages of human development due to anatomical and physiological processes that are occurring during the first several years of our lives?

Furthermore, according to Comparative Embryology during the first 6 weeks of human development, in our mother’s womb, we go through an evolution of sorts. In fact up until the time we differentiate we remain almost morphologically indistinguishable from lower life forms, in the same phase of development. From a single cell to pharyngeal gill slits to lanugo (body hair in utero) to human morphology we comparatively exhibit similar traits to our animal ancestors.

Is it possible that this comparative morphology extends past the physical development of the human body and into our development outside the womb? Maybe, our cognitive development goes through an “evolution” of sorts were the anatomy and physiology of our minds comparatively resembles our ancient psychic ability possessing human ancestors.

So, the question becomes can we disprove all plausible explanations, hypothesis, and theories regarding psychic ability. Not can we prove psychic ability exists. In addition many skeptics spend their entire lives trying to prove that psychic abilities do not exist rather than trying to disprove their own explanations, hypothesis, and theories about its non-existence. This type of objective scientific inquiry is tainted with bias and must not be considered credible.

Only when all the possible plausible

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