recording sequences unusual or important events. “(1976:236) offers Chinese history
carefully documented cases of strange births, the tracking of natural phenomena, as well as
other data. The Chinese government planning on the basis of this method of predicting the long-range
strategy. It is not reasonable to assume that modern scientific inquiry began with this kind of
divination, the work of Joseph Needham considered this very idea.
* Divination (cleromancy). It is the draw, or Sortes, whether
sticks, stones, bones, beans, coins, or any other element. Modern playing cards and board games
developed from this type of divination.
* Augury. Prophecy, which takes a set of given opportunities. It can be qualitative (eg,
shape, proximity, etc.): for example, Dowsing (Form rhabdomancy), developed from this
type of prediction. The Romans in ancient times used the Etruscan methods, such as an omen
hepatoscopy (actually a form of extispicy). Haruspices examined the liver of sacrificial
animals. Note that divination, usually considered to specifically refer to divination by studying
The flight model of birds.
* Spontaneous. Casual form of divination, free from any particular medium, and
in fact generalizations of all kinds of divination. The answer comes from the fact that the object
predictor is to see or hear. Some religions use a form bibliomancy: they ask
turn over their sacred books, and take as an answer to the first passage eyes light
at. Other forms of spontaneous divination include reading auras and New Age methods of Feng