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their photo on their glass, this is sure to make them feel welcomed.

Cheers! Have a safe and happy holiday season. All the best for the creative New Year ahead!

Variations: Customized “MIY Photo Clip-on Drink Charms”, can be made forbasically any festive occasion or party theme throughout the year. They also make wonderful dinner place cards, placed on a napkin.

Other ways to customized and personalize photo tag clip-on drink charms.

They can be made with various other materials, circle shapes can be cut out using card board, rigid plastic craft sheets, or thick decorative papers and pictures simply glued onto the shapes. Names and initials can be applied to the charms using gold tipped markers, glitter or gel pens. They can also be further embellished using assorted remnants or notions, such as

scrapbooking decorative stickers, tag shapes, numbers and letters of your


Photo tag clip-on charms can also be used gift tags. You can even use the same concept such as you would with bag clips to organize various items in bags around your home when storing things.

All rights reserved by MaddyLane Designs

Project creation and article by MaddyLanes Designs

Copyright Miycreations by MaddyLane Designs © 2007

For view more Miy (make-it-yourself) décor crafts projects visit

About the Author:

Madeleine M Langlois; MaddyLane Designs… About the artist:

MaddyLane has over 30 years design experience. She studied fashion merchandising and design. The first part of her career was spent in the fashion industry designing ladies and children’s wear to fashion accessories. MaddyLane then went on to design giftware products, Christmas decorations, packaging concepts as well as illustrating for Canadian companies. She has even published a bilingual children’s book that she both wrote and illustrated. Maddy’s designer talents, from fashion to decor and her love for crafts has directed her to produce and write “how-to” make-it-yourself step-by-step décor articles. For the last five years, MaddyLane has been creating innovative home decorative décor items for her weekly syndicated “make-it-yourself” Miy at home articles.

For view more “MIY” “make-it-yourself” décor craft articles and a more detailed artist bio, I invite you to visit my; …for the pure joy of making things~

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