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Russian DNA Discoveries Explain Human ‘Paranormal’ Events 2005 01 18 Ed Note: This explains shape shifting, beings moving in and out of dimensions (interdimensional) and it explains how prayers and manifestation meditation works, how shamans can alter health and weather, it explains how Royal Raymond Rife’s frequency healing can work, and much much more. Very exiting! Summarized by Baerbel * Edited and translated Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained. Article From: join forum at desteni reveals the deception in reality by the teachers of love and light
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to DNA Science of Shamans, Healers, Esoterics and Paranormal Events

  • JornVinceHardus says:

    @Fryitonapanandstuff say we have to realize ourself that we have limited ourself to such an extend that we have come to think of the rest of reality everything outside of ourself as ‘junk’. Quite literally this is manifesting at a global level, everything is turning into trash and is treated like trash.

  • DesteniProductions says:

    @Fryitonapanandstuff you really have no clue

  • Fryitonapanandstuff says:

    The “junk” strands are in need of re-activation.

  • SpamAnn says:

    regards the pop ups. See how many thoughts just “pop up” inside of you everyu day.

  • JornVinceHardus says:

    it’s called self honesty and self forgiveness

  • MrJoelpan says:

    What the heck!?! Where can I get the virus protection and pop up blocker thats not going to steal my identity and put parental limits on my play time?!? ; )

  • DesteniProductions says:

    already done

  • MrJoelpan says:

    Wait till they figure out a way to put advertisements and popups in our DNA . . .

  • NativeShaman says:

    I very much agree with that statement madscirat. That is too much power for anyone’s government or power society…lol, that is if that dna discovery is all indeed true. Kudos

  • NativeShaman says:

    It makes me happy to finally see free thinkers think for themselves, and not taking someone else’s for truth. Good for all you wise people! Even Buddha said, ” test everything, even what I say.”

  • q7spiz says:

    Thats so ironically funny that the Russian scientists now say that nature is not dumb and there are some scientists over here who are trained to think that nature is dumb. There is free trade in Russia and there isn’t free trade in America anymore. Do you see where I am going with this? Flipping peoples spheres. Some societal evolvement experimentation flipping things around. It could happen again too. Flippin different synthesis.

  • missionaryoffaith says:

    how do you repair such sysyem…?

  • DesteniProductions says:

    the human represents a small picture of its former self — and has been tampered with through systems like family, culture, money, holy books and the presentation from birth that the human is faulty –the system is faulty and require some repair–obviously so also with the humans that are adults today–they are faulty and cannot be trusted with any knowledge

  • missionaryoffaith says:

    A SMALL PICTURE OF WHAT WAS…I believe this and i also think the Bible was tampered with long ago by evil….and we know where evil comes from….!

  • mrtruthify says:

    @Bruna Scalcione (italian?) I LIKE your statement! Now that is some of the BEST common sense use i have ever heard! Well done, good for you.

  • mrtruthify says:

    If U had the first clue about your “bible” U would know it represents about 15-20% of what was originally written. Ever hear of a theologian? Ever wonder what they study for 10 years to get that title? Its not the bible, it doesnt take 10 years to do that. Thousands of text left out, so you could be manipulated to the church view. STUDY SUMARIAN TABLET TRANSLATIONS FOR THE ORIGIONAL VERSION OF YOUR BIBLE. BIBLE IS HAS DIRECT TRANSLATIONS FROM THEM. BIBLE REPRESENTS A SMALL PICTURE OF WHAT WAS.

  • DesteniProductions says:

    in the more information box to the right of the video is the link

  • MindRapeTV says:

    May I please have the name of the Russian Scientists/Linguists that accomplished this great feat? You never once stated it…

  • DarrylWThomas says:

    You must understand one thing about the Bible. It was a programming tool to get people to believe in it, thus direction beings to this point in history – deliberate misdirection and deception. But we’ve never connected the dots until the portal opened. You better wake up, and soon.

  • enlightenmentation says:

    we must understand that alot of the bible was lost through translation and curruption so alot of the meaning that was there is skewd so you must understand alot of other things to reform the meaning in your own head. following the bible alone is following 2000 years of curruption. but regaudless of religious belief we can all see if jesus existed he was a really good person. follow his intentions of peace and harmony, reflect that into your self and in turn is reflected into those around you

  • godfather515 says:

    People lack common sense and need something to fear.

  • MagicMusic4me says:

    i love MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I don’t care what anyone says!!
    eNOUGH IS ENOUGH, itz the truth.

  • DarrylWThomas says:

    Uh, there is no “historical fact” of God’s existence. You’ve made that up. The bible is not ‘historical.’ It’s polemical. Propaganda. Religion? LOLLERS> the biggest pseudo-science there is.

  • jesperhultkrantz says:

    Do you need to prove the bible?
    Then you have a lot of dirty work to do.
    Because if you study the bible you see alot of contradictions. Ea you have to lie to defend your bible.
    You have to agree on being a abuser to defend your bible. Using the bible as a bat, you will hit your self.

  • SpamAnn says:

    Loving yourself is loving all as one and equal, as yourself. Thus to do what is best for all.

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