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Question by ?Energy?: Do Atheists view sex as sacred or profane?
And if not those two, then what, like eating an ice cream cone?
BTW, I am an Atheist and I do think sex is like eating an ice cream cone, in other words, delicious but otherwise meaningless.

Best answer:

Answer by Hun-Ahau, El Tecolote
It’s a special experience, but that doesn’t mean it’s sacred. And it’s certainly more meaningful than eating an ice cream cone.

What do you think? Answer below!

26 Responses to Do Atheists view sex as sacred or profane?

  • Ol' Doc says:

    A wonderful experience that I highly recommend

  • Ninja Turtle AM (?????????????? says:

    I don’t know about others, but I view sex as sex.

  • Astro K says:

    why one or the other?

  • å says:

    They view it as a pass time. Those who can get some that is, the ones on here obviously aren’t getting any. They view it as an animal instinct.

    “It becomes, in fact, a perfect parody of the Christian love of truth. Where the Christian asks the ultimate meaning of everything and is not content until he sees that it is founded on God and His Will, the atheist likewise questions everything, but only to be able to abolish all suggestion of or aspiration to anything higher, and to reduce and simplify it into the terms of the most obvious and “basic” explanation. Where the Christian sees God in everything, the atheist sees only “race” or “sex” or the “mode of production.”

  • Charlie says:

    Um, neither, I view it as natural.

  • Derp says:

    Atheists don’t have a unified view on sex, because Atheism does not have a set of morals that we all adhere to.

    It depends completely on the individual.

  • The Darkness inside You says:

    can’t it be all those things?

  • D.Dox says:

    ice cream, sex, thanks for the mental picture.

  • haysoos2 says:

    I usually view sex in a small window on my computer monitor.

    However, when I see a woman eating an ice cream cone, I usually think about sex.

    Of course, I usually think about sex no matter what a woman is doing, so that’s not a terribly insightful observation.

  • thatonedudewhosaysstuff says:

    it’s just fun…….. crazy fun, and you will have babies…. FOUR HUNDRED BABIES!

  • Will says:


  • Spazzy- McGee says:

    It feels good, makes kids, and complicates relationships.

    That is what I view sex as.

  • We Wish to Buy Your Shoes says:

    It’s nice, but it isn’t what I’d call “sacred”…and sometimes sex involves eating ice cream cones, I’ll have you know. 😉

  • Ms. Taurus says:

    Sacred, IMO.

  • Teh Manuel says:

    I view it as expensive.

  • pollynewwave says:

    Its more like coming close to an OD on junk. Well Maybe not. I’ve never actually slammed smack but apparently that’s supposed to be way better than sex.


  • ktron says:

    Sex means different things to different people, including atheists. Aside from a common lack of belief in any deities, atheists do not necessarily agree on everything.

    In my opinion, sex is neither sacred nor profane – it’s a part of life. It can be fun, silly, and casual if that’s what you’re looking for, it can be uplifting and deep and intimate, and pretty much anything else on the spectrum.

    I am still waiting for the right guy, just because I want my first time to be remembered with fondness, rather than regret.

  • michelob86 says:

    Depends on the position. 😉

  • punch says:

    Neither. It’s a way of showing affection and love to the person you love. Why would someone thumb me down for this answer? I mean seriously!

  • Gary F says:

    Well, since Atheists have lower rates of divorce, teen pregnancy, and STD infection than Christians – they certainly view it more responsibly.

  • skepsis says:

    Nothing is profane or sacred. There are behaviors that are effective or counter-effective, and these are usually coded as “virtues” or “taboos”, but they have no moral weight in themselves. Its significance is subjective and situational, an aspect of relationship, not a value in itself. Because it is intimate, one normally employs it with care and sympathy, but like any other behavior, it can be abused in ways that psychologically harm people.

  • nelson g says:

    The view is your view. I view sex as an act between a women and a men that love each other to act like this. And anyways why did God make it feel so good. He probably wanted sex be gift for a newly wed.

  • naguru says:

    Viewing is not all.

  • Michelle R says:

    None of the above.

    Sex can be unbelievably wonderful, it can be mediocre, it can be bad, it can be everything in between.

    Do you truly think it takes a belief in a god before human experiences can be profoundly moving?

    Do you think we also see giving birth to our children as no better than eating an ice cream cone?

  • VeggieTart says:

    Atheists and agnostics probably wouldn’t use the word “sacred,” as it allies too much with belief in a higher power.

    Sex is a wonderful letting go of your cares and problems for just a short time. It’s a mutual subsuming of yourself to the other.

    Sex is nothing like eating an ice cream cone, but both are enjoyable activities.

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