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Do Famous Spiritual Energy Healers Manifest Miracles?

What is an energy healer? Energy healing is a broad term used to describe a healing that is accomplished via what is sometimes described as an invisible subtle spiritual energy force. This spiritual energy force is used to heal others, either nearby or at a distance. An energy healer or spiritual healer is someone who can tap this force and send spiritual energy to others.

There are and have been many noted spiritual energy healers, some claiming to manipulate this spiritual energy, others attributing the healing to divine intervention or the aid of angels, spirit guides or non physical entities. Some of the more famous healers have even been asked to participate in scientific studies attempting to prove the effectiveness of their techniques and often the study validates their healing abilities.

Many healers claim that we all have the innate ability to tap this spiritual healing energy and use it to help others. To that end there are now more and more healing schools many of which choose to focus on a particular healing method among a variety of them. Healing methods vary but some of the more popular ones include reiki, quigong healing, therapeutic touch, crystal healing and more. For example, famous healer Barbara Brennan runs the popular Barbara Brennan healing school.

Now, although it is said that anyone can learn and improve their ability to heal others there are definitely some special healers that seem to have an innate talent in this area.

One of the most famous, if not the most famous healer of the modern era was Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), a psychic healer and psychic trance channeller and some say the founder of the New Age movement, though he

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