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himself claimed to be a devout Christian, albeit with beliefs outside of the norm. Cayce was most famous for channeling answers to question concerning the health of distant patients. There are numerous testimonials to the effectiveness of his distant healing diagnoses.

There are currently thousands of followers of Edgar Cayce and centers in 25 different countries. Cayce, known as the Sleeping Prophet, would lie down and enter a trance state and then give his readings. It is reported that he gave about 20,000 readings in his lifetime.

The previously mentioned Barbara Brennan has trained thousands of students in her method of energy healing. She is a scientist, healer, author and trainer. One of her most popular healing books is Hands of Light A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field. Brennan teaches her students about the human energy field or aura and how to heal it. The book cites medically verified case studies of a variety of people with diverse illnesses being healed.

Eric Pearl, chiropractor and healer is the author of The Reconnection. Pearl is a well known healer that originated the concept of reconnective healing. He describes reconnective healing as a way for the individual to reconnect to the fullness of the universe and to the fullness of their own individual beings. He states that healings occur through a new bandwidth of evolutionary frequencies brought in via a spectrum of light and information. While all this may sound a bit airy and vague the numerous reported healings (including cancers, aids, chronic fatigue, cerebral palsy and others) that have occurred as a result seem to indicate that it is an effective method of healing. Pearl’s reconnective healing school

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