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light of healing and love to the soul and spirit and that hopefully that will transmit to the physical body as well.

Sathya Sai Baba is a guru and religious leader of South India known as a miracle worker. How popular is Sai Baba? It is estimated that he has over 6 million followers worldwide. There are currently around 1200 Sai Baba center in 114 countries. Their are many legends surrounding Sai Baba, but it often seems impossible to distinguish the myth from reality. The claims for healings and manifestations surrounding him and his devotees are incredibly numerous. It is said that he daily manifests holy ash as well as other items.

Erlendur Haraldsson, a retired Icelandic psychology professor, interviewed many of Sai Baba’s devotees and ex-devotees as well as investigating his supposed miracles and manifestations. His research revealed numerous extraordinary testimonies of reported miracles. The supposed miracles included bilocation, physical disappearance, manifestations, transmutations of liquid, healings, visions, dreams, weather control and more.

There are many other famous healers like John of God, not mentioned above, as well as some not so famous who may possess or have access to the same if not greater powers of healing. Ultimately, one can and should take every measure to activate their own natural healing powers, regardless of whether that trigger gets tripped by conventional means, alternative measures, or one’s own innate healing mechanisms.

Many skeptics question the ability of anyone who claims or have others claim them to be spiritual energy healers. A healthy skeptism is necessary to protect one from fraud and even medical abuse. Charlatans do exist.

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