Question by wild29horses: Do Pagans believe in the God that created the heavens and the earth or do they believe in something different?
I don’t want to offend anyone by this question and I am sure that it makes me sound a little naive and in this subject I am. I was just curious what people who practice witchcraft believe in. It’s a religion that is a mystery to me and I just want to learn a little more however for the moment just asking will have to suffice because I am a college freshman and have no time to research it further.
Best answer:
Answer by Fireball
no they deny the Trinity…
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
generally speaking, no. paganism is actually an umbrella term for many different pagan religions.
wicca is only a branch of paganism.
many pagans worship different god[ess]s.
most pagans believe in reincarnation & the summerland rather than heaven.
it varies from person to person though.
pagans believe what someone stronger of thought-put in them -and that can be as ridiculous as what they accuse the religious of
My friend is Wiccan (I’m agnostic) She believes in the God and the Goddess of creation.
find out the definition of PAGAN that will explain it better than i
they believe ,if one gets there ass packed , it is easier to move
Most pagans beleive in something outside of christianity. Not all pagans beleive in any deities. Some do and the ones who do usually worship the old gods that predate christianity.
As a Wiccan, I know the Abrahamic god is not one of my gods. We Wiccans are taught the hermetic maxim “As Above, So below, as below, so above” and the principle that it implies-that we come to understand the macrocosmic by understanding the microcosmic (and vice versa.)
Wiccan cosmology suggests a natural beginning to the universe. While some Wiccans may believe otherwise, they certainly are not going to believe a god we don’t follow “created” the Universe.
As a Wiccan, I practice one of hundreds of religions under the aegis of Modern Paganism, and I do not claim to speak for all of those faiths.
The word witchcraft does not imply a religion. Witchcraft is non-religious, and witchcraft and other folk magic movements exist in every religion that has existed for a long time.
Fireball you would deny the Trinity if you did your research to find out it is nothing but a concept Nimrod of Babylon created and it has no ancient Hebrew origin. Nimrod dies and his concepts are taken by 3 nations which are Egypt, Indus Valley and Europe.
Pagan is more like any religion that’s not related to Abraham’s God which mean have nothing to do with the bible. Pagan usually is tradition religion. They have their own kind of Gods or Gods system some believe in heaven and hell some don’t. For example in Greek religion there are Zeus and the twelve Gods in mount Olympus. In Greek religion there re heaven and hell. Native American religion worship the Great Spirit and nature, they don’t believe in heaven or hell.
Well it depends on the pagan but one common veiw is that god is everything nothing is seperate from god, Life is the divine manasfestation of the nameless one
“Why do you search far and wide for god when he/she is right here, look in the mirror and you shall find god”
Something different.
Most if not all ancient pagan cultures believe that the cosmos always was and always will be. The COSMOS creates all things, including the gods and that gods must answer to the cosmos. The cosmos is not a being in a any fashio any more then a hurricane is a being. It simply is.
We believe in both to be honest; though not in Christian sense of there is only one true God and many Minor Deities. As an example I worship Chaos (the Creator) and Gaea (Mother Earth) of the ancient Greek and Minoan pantheons. Chaos is the deity that created every thing and Gaea is the oldest among all the Gods and Goddess in the Greek Pantheon. There are many other Gods and Goddess, but most follow this type of set up.