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Question by LatinoHeat™: Do pagans such as say Wiccans believe in and worship all the gods and goddesses known to man?
The reason why I ask is because I’m reading well technically not readig but skimming through as I plan on reading this book known as A Wiccan Bible Exploring The Mysteries Of The Craft From Birth To Sumerland by A.J. Drew and noticed some names such as Yahweh, Jesus, Allah, Al-lat, Al-Uzza, Manat, Krishna, Vishnu and quite a few others which blew my mind away.

Best answer:

Answer by Galahad
No. I could go into all but instead i will simply recommend that you toss wiki/wicca” on to google and get a complete run-down.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

5 Responses to Do pagans such as say Wiccans believe in and worship all the gods and goddesses known to man?

  • Matt says:

    as with all the pagan religions in ancient history…no.

    they pick the gods/ goddesses they feel the most affinity to and honor or worship them alone.

  • Praire Crone says:

    “Skimming” isn’t’ a good way to study ANY religion or belief system.

  • Robert R says:

    Not all Pagans, and certainly not all at the same time. But there probably isn’t a godform that some NeoPagan hasn’t worshipped at some point.

  • akumaxkami says:

    No, we don’t worship all the different gods or goddesses known to man.

    Most of us are usually attracted to one cultural pantheon or another, in my case – Celtic, and focus on honoring or worshipping those gods.

  • philosophyangel says:

    In America especially, it seems Wicca and eclectic Neopaganism are considered synonymous in pop literature. No, they don’t “worship all the gods and goddesses known to man.” Many simply (sometimes sloppily) pick one or another deity from one or another Pagan pantheon and devote themselves to it often in an improvisedand uneducated way. Or many focus on the many similarities between various deities from various cultures and times and see them as being different forms of one particular spiritual energy so you will find books and Web sites where they categorize and make long lists of any deity they can find and tell the reader–here, pick one. I will add that a lot of popular literature on Neopaganism is chock full of fakelore, factual flaws, etc. that are repeated over and over again.

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