Question by Millie: do pisces consider sex to be sacred and really special?
yes or no? why or why not?
Best answer:
Answer by Amy
i’m pisces. i love having lots of nasty sex.
so uh no.
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Question by Millie: do pisces consider sex to be sacred and really special?
yes or no? why or why not?
Best answer:
Answer by Amy
i’m pisces. i love having lots of nasty sex.
so uh no.
Add your own answer in the comments!
Nah, they give it up easily like everyone else…
Nope! Pisces are players/hoes! My ex bf was a pisces & my best friend is a pisces & they are both very similar!
I think we are a little bit of both honestly. I prefer to have sex with a partner i have an emotional bond with. Once i create that bond im very sexual!I don’t care for having sex without no bond though cause there is no feeling there. Maybe pisces males are different. Not sure. I do want it to feel special but with the right person. I have had sex without no bond before & i totally hated it. It didn’t feel special to me.
Are we players? I guess you could consider some of us pisces players.
I do agree we are very sexual.
LOL sorry I laughed so hard at this question. Umm it’s only sacred and really special if you are perverted enough to satisfy their weird fetishes and strange needs. In other worlds, If you are a super freak and they become addicted to you. Then they will get bored, move on.. NEXT!!
You misspelled “really devoted Christians” with “pisces”
Some do, atleast I do anyways.
Not everyone is a hoe and proud of it! Ewww.
*dodges a bullet*
wth…. o.0