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Question by Maggie W.: Do the metaphysical shops online sell crystals for outrageous amounts?Or are the stones really worth it?

I often shop online for my spiritual supplies like incense as well as other things. I was browsing some sties that sell stones for healing and quartz crystals for charging my magical works when I saw that they were charging quite a large amount for things that can be found on the ground. I went through my many bags of stones and crystals and found the crystal points I needed for my workings. However I am thinking that I can sell this stuff on a website and make big bucks if there are enough folks out there who do not like to look down at the ground to find them their selves. Just a thought!
Girl Raphael, I won’t my dear. As I said it was just a thought!
Well, when I was a kid we lived in Phoenix and I found a good sizes Apache tear in our back yard. Now I mostly go to gem and rock shows but sometimes I still find a nice stone or crystal in or near the river. I have a couple of bags of stones that I’d forgotten about.

Best answer:

Answer by Angelina

And please learn about the stones before you buy them if you do- not that you should- because it just might be colored glass or some other rock found in the back yard and polished up real nice.

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8 Responses to Do the metaphysical shops online sell crystals for outrageous amounts?Or are the stones really worth it?

  • Kel says:

    It’s kinda funny….it’s a nature based religion, and nature gives you all you need….but so many people get hooked buying all that man-made stuff so someone else can get rich off it.

    Just goes to show who’s in it for the money.

  • Girl Raphael says:

    Dont do it to others if you dont want them to do it to you. Selling stones and magickal supplies is not a good omen and its oppresive if your true. I find mine in a gumball machine for a quarter at carnival.

    you should never overcharge, unless you want it to be done to you. karma right?

  • Randy says:

    Fluorite amazonite, pink quartz and clear quartz should be inexpensive anywhere. Google Inexpensive Crystals and see what turns up.
    By worth it I assume you mean effective. Most of the ancient lore is rubbish.For example Amethyst will not curer drunkenness.
    However, crystals are sensitive. They can be used to store energy and inorganic life forms or elementals

  • The Snake says:

    Stones and crystals are always best to buy where you can feel and hold them because you do not want just any stone but you do want the stone that is right for you and calls to you.

  • demoninside says:

    yes they are too high and most are not worth it if you need something try ebay you can find shops on there that sell them for 50 cents and they will send it to you for free

  • ?? Witchy Mel ?? says:

    Maggie, I think it depends on where you live. I can’t find quartz points where I live. Some shops (online and off) are run by good people but have kind of high prices. They have to figure in other costs like website maintenance, how long it took them to get the product…most of them don’t actually go to dig sites, they go to gem shows and get them wholesale…the biggest one in the US is I think in Arizona. Anyways, I would love to live where you are and just come across that stuff. I used to live in a much more natural area in VA and I still had to get my crystals from stores.

    Have you ever heard of auction witch? It’s like an ebay for witches. I don’t see anything wrong with selling them as long as they are good quality. Maybe you could give people a better deal. It’s easier sometimes for an individual to give a good deal than a company.

  • kilroymaster says:

    They are no where worth the price that they are charging…………

  • Keltasia says:

    I’ve actually done gem mining for quartz and can understand why they seem outrageously priced – its a heckuvalotta hard work! As others have mentioned, many of the stones that are available for purchase have been dyed to make them “prettier” and the color will fade over time. I prefer working with clear quartz but that’s just my personal preference.

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