Question by Jean Luc Picard: Do you believe a woman when she reveals her ‘magic number’?
thats the number of sexual partners shes had.
Best answer:
Answer by Darth Vidica
LOL! No. With men, you can usually subtract 8-10 from the number they give.
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I never even ask for it. Don’t care. As long as she’s wild in bed, don’t care how many guys it took her to get that way.
Women= Take the number she has given and times by 7.
Men= Take the number they have given and divide by 7.
I don’t ask !!
wont get the truth noway !!
nope I only ask if they ask me
What’s that old adage about the numbers?
Women = her number multiplied by three
Men = his number divided by three
EDIT: OOps…I started to type this before Val posted
Sure, unless I have some reason not to. I have heard that some people reduce the number to make themselves seem more respectable, but since I never ask, I figure if someone were shy about telling the truth, she probably wouldn’t volunteer the information. I’ve heard numbers from zero to hundreds.
Incidentally, I’ve never been asked. When I did volunteer the information, it was always the truth.
All I’m saying you shouldn’t. Most men just can’t handle it. Ok, think about it like this…your girlfriend or wife has had just as many partners as you’ve had…would she still be the love of your life? Would you deep down inside feel weird about it? Maybe not you cause you’re not like most men…(what all men say) but most would begin to destroy any relationship with that type of real information.
Being realistic, I wouldn’t believe anyone be it male or female. I would be inclined to believe a female would “adjust” her number to a lower number, a male would “adjust” his number to be a higher number. So I don’t think you’d get a straight honest ans. from either…:)
I heard it was the rule of three.
Woman’s stated number times 3
Man’s stated number DIVIDED by three
But it really doesn’t matter. As long as you’ve both been tested and practice safe sex, her number really isn’t any of your business.
I can make you a true believer.
I always tell the truth….but I can count my partners on less than 2 hands….but I have quite a few girlfriends that always lie. So, I guess odds are she’s been with more than she says, lol.
I just learned not to ask.
I have a Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Policy. I am SURE men can’t handle it. I quit counting in college, anyway. If a man wants to know that, we are wrong for each other.
As Bad Company puts it…”If I don’t ask no questions….then I don’t get no lies.”
I have never lied about it. seriously. Its made people call me a slut and by that point, I m like, ok well you seemed to enjoy it…
You have to really know a woman well to even think that you can believe that she is being honest with you. I know not all women have been promiscuous girls since mid- teens but some have any many as they’ve gotten older so it makes a guy really wander if she would be that truthful about her past. I know a girl that has her husband believing she was a virgin when they got married and I know she wasn’t. She had dated a friend of mine. She said that she just wished that she would have waited and I guess this was her way of living out the fantisy!!!
I tell the truth because its not a high number.
After you multiply by 7.
I’m with Val, it’s 7 not 3.
I think my husband believed my number, I was honest……but what was funny, is that my husband tried to count back and stopped at 20….I was like honey you were a slut!! But I am thankful for his past experiences, b/c I can definitely say I reaped the benefits!
Don’t you mean the number she thinks you can handle?
There are certain things everyone lies about and the magic number is one of them.
my husband did..
Depends on the woman
Absolutely not!