Question by mike m: Do you believe in GOD do you follow the 10 commandments?
Do you believe the virgin mary prayers are a form of idolaltry and that only GOD should be worshipped and not symbols or so called saints? What about the symbol of the cross? I am baptist and I Believe the Roman Catholic church combined pagan rituals with religion only to extend their power over the common people of that era. I Know that Constiatine was the first to be baptized by sprinkling of water because he was to sick to get out of bed. Also easter is the spring fertility ritual of pagans which symbols are rabbits and eggs.And what about christmas its the birthday of Constiatine. How many of you have checked your Bibles to see if you are being taught the true meaning of GODs purpose for our life?
Please verify your misconception before you answer. I suggest the bible!
musical chick : I also believe the sabath was changed by catholics. When JESUS was in Jeruslam it was to celebrate passover,It was celebrated on saturday,and still is! The roman catholic church changed it to the worship of the day of the sun,SUNDAY.
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Answer by aaronmk2
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well sir…as a roman catholic i can tell you your assertions of the catholic church are incorrect.
catholicsm WAS christianity for 1500 years…..
are telling me they had it wrong for 1500 years before martin luther enlightened the world???
some food for thought: there is a reason why the catholic church is not liked by the world…its because it is of christ..
Well…Sortly said…I don’t believe in god or any of that crap, but, the ten commandments…I only know a couple, therefore I am unsure if I am “following” them. I’m sure I’m not with most of them. Other than like, you shant covet your neighbor’s wife or whatever…*Shrugs and laughs* In a nutshell, I think it’s idiotic…
Me myself and Death
Yes.Yes.Indeed I have.
im pretty sure i believe in God. i try to & i do good on most of them.
Too many questions to answer here, but the other guy is right. Somebody has badly misinformed you about Catholic teaching.
1. We do not worship Mary. We ask for her prayers just like you ask for a friend’s prayers
2. The 10 commandments are still in effect – Jesus said “if you love me, keep my commandments”
3. I don’t check my bible and interpret it for myself. Where in the bible does it say each person can interpret scripture infallibly?
I do not believe in God, but I don’t know anything for sure.
I believe in God and try to follow the 10 commandments. I do read the Bible to make sure I am not being taught something that is incorrect.
As a Baptist, I hope and pray you are doing the same and listening to the Holy Ghost when you are prompted to, and not relying on someone in your Church who may, in truth, not be all that different from Constantine.
Yes and yes.
The head of the Catholic church is the Pope.
Scripture repeatedly emphasizes that Jesus is the head of the church.
That fish smells awfully loosely wrapped to me!
As far as Justin goes, the Catholic church was NOT the only church for 1500 years. They persecuted and murdered true believers for most of the 1500 years.
The Catholic church is an extension of the Roman emperors. Haven’t you noticed the Pope is called “Pontifus Maximus”, the same title taken by the Caesars of Rome.
Protestant churches aren’t much better, they all become vassals of the State by taking the 501(c)(3) corporate status.
Jesus himself asked if he would find faith upon the earth at his return. I’m beginning to think that was an awfully astute question!
Everyone will tell you a different story. The best thing I would suggest for you is read the Bible for yourself. The New Testament is especially worth noting. But nomatter what I or anyone else thinks, you need to read the Bible and come to your own conclusions.
I am a Christian, and I trust the pastor that I go to hear teachings from on Sunday morning at church. But I do not take what he says for granted. I always go back and reread the passages to find out if I believe what he said was correct. There have been some occasions where I didn’t quite agree. But that doesn’t mean I go chew him out and call him false, it just means that I know what I feel is right in my mind and go on.
Amen. Did you also know that the Catholic church changed God’s original seventh day Sabbath to the first day, Sunday? Study up on it. Saturday, the seventh day, is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. God never changed it, man did.
God Bless!
Absolutely–to both questions. To be a Christian is to strive to be Christ-like. Jesus Christ had a close relationship with God, His Father; therefore; so should we strive to have that same kind of relationship with God as our Holy Father. Chanting, mimicking and rituals do not make up a relationship.
YES , I follow the word of god,and I’m aware of the pagan rituals that catholics used to control the ” masses” ! True Christianity only follows the example of JESUS. Not the false doctrine of catholics. No one is saved because they believe in false religions,they are actually doomed! There are many more examples of Pagan rituals in the roman catholic church. they are to numerous to list!
I want to know how catholics made people belive in purgatory! There is no such place or thing, this was invented by catholics as another form of control. Lord please forgive them for they know not what they do!
yes, and yes, and yes, and yes, i have checked.
What a bunch of bunk!
Nothing you said is in the Scripture, yet you ask others to verify as you did not!
The LORD’s Day is not the Sabbath. The Sabbath, for anyone that wishes to rest on it, is the seventh day of the week, and not a religioud day of obligation. The LORD’s Day is the first of the week, as everyone knows. The first Christians rested on the Sabbath, not because they had to in the New Covenant, but because Israel made it lawfully mandatory and because it was nice to rest on it.
The whole of the Ten Commandments were given in a manner that was as a Code. When that Code was nailed to the Cross, the Law of GOD was set free to be fully kept, and the principles behind each point of the Code came into play:
GOD alone and fully adored;
no substitute for the above shall be given place;
nothing done shall employ the MOST HIGH’s NAME without authenticity;
no one shall support a burden being upon their brother;
due reverance shall be bestowed on parents, spiritual teachers, elders, etc.;
you shall be solicitous for the lives of others to be preserved;
you shall in no way betray the trust of your spouse, not even with a thought;
you shall not deprive a brother of any benefit;
you shall not manipulate things to cause another injust loss nor be cowardly about aiding a neighbor with your ability to speak out for the good in him you have witnessed;
you shall not set your heart toward one that is another’s and not rightfully yours sexually;
and you shall not envy another’s good, diminishing your goodwill out of greed.
Without the Commandment on the Sabbath, there was no provision enforced by the Law to prevent the Community from being over-burdened as in the land of their captivity, when they had been slaves in Egypt. Under the New Covenant in which the SPIRIT fulfills the Law, which is broken down to Love of GOD and Love of neighbor, the principle behind the Sabbath commandment which was nailed to the Cross is released from the limitations of the Code, and more fully fulfilled in our watching always from our spiritual hearts for oppurtunities to buy rest for others – even if we deny ourselves to do that. Under the Old Covenant, the Priests gave up Sabbath rest to serve continuously in the Temple, and because they acted on behalf of all else in the Office through which GOD operated, they in no way forfeited those they served the good of their respite, but gave up their own sacrificially with GOD’s own Blessing.
Sue C, as for Pugatory, I can easily demonstrate to you that it is true! But that is not the subject of the question above.
1.Yes I follow the commandments.
2. We do not worship the Virgin Mary, we ask her to pray for us, just as you would a friend ask them to pray for you
3.The cross is to remind us Jesus is no longer in the tomb, He resurrected. The crucifix is to remind us the sacrifice Jesus went thru to give us eternal life
4.No, Jesus and the Apostles were the first to be baptized
5. Easter or Passover weekend or Resurrection weekend is the time when Jesus resurrected. Sunday is also the day that Jesus rose
6. The 25th December was a date picked by the Catholic church to appease the pagans who they were trying to convert, but who were not willing to give up their traditional holidays and festivals.
Yes Catholics know the date of the true birth of Christ is in September.
Please educate yourself about the Catholic Church thru reliable sources before you try to make false claims. Without the Catholic Church we would not even have the bible.The Catholic Church is the Church Jesus established in 33AD and placed into Peter’s hands and His church has gone on strong for over 2,000 years and will prevail.