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Question by Secret_Garden: do you believe in horoscopes and the people who read the tarot?
where can I find a place or website where the horoscopes are personally and or the reading tarot is good? and they are for free or all of them cost you something?

Best answer:

Answer by ??????ÿ
Well… you can NEVER trust online tarot. You have to go to a physic or buy some yourself. This is an accurate horoscope website:

Good Luck :))

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2 Responses to do you believe in horoscopes and the people who read the tarot?

  • Awesomeness! says:

    Most of the free Tarot sights are computerized and are not from a real person.

    I read my own Tarot, and I do not charge for my readings, but I only do them when I have time.

    There are some people on here that you can ask to give you a reading; some may actually do it for free.

    One of the free online sights that is not too bad is They tend to be a little on the downer side, but the cards and lay outs are really good learning tools.

  • Redundant Mariah is Axolotl says:

    Horoscopes are an exact calculated divination so online sources can work for those, but generally cost a fee for personalized readings, but the tarot needs more then a mechanical hand, like most sites will give you. If you want a guaranteed and free reading, either make a friend who reads the tarot, or get a set of cards yourself.

    I, personally, read the tarot for myself and most anyone who asks, as I believe asking someone to pay for this sort of thing is immoral. But, I and people like me aren’t always around, so if you want a steady source, I suggest you learn the art for yourself.

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