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secret tarot
by wallyg

Question by Angeló: Do You Believe in Tarot ?
My friend did a Tarot reading for me on MSN …. and it was very accurate and true (my friend doesn’t know the Q’s I asked) … is it real ??? do you believe in it ??? what’s the secret behind it ??????

Best answer:

Answer by simpleman

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5 Responses to Do You Believe in Tarot ?

  • SammyD says:

    No, I dont..and I don’t trust those who wink.

  • an_gel_on says:

    Tarot is demonic.

    Proverbs 3:5-8

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    And lean not on your own understanding;
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    And He shall direct your paths.

    Do not be wise in your own eyes;
    Fear the Lord and depart from evil.
    It will be health to your flesh,
    And strength to your bones.

    ANYTHING that turns your attention away from trusting only in God is of the devil. His desire is to turn you away from the benefits of obeying God.

  • Pastor Ken says:

    Demons help that work.

    Hebrews 9:27 declares, “Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.” That is what happens to a person’s soul-spirit after death—judgment. The result of this judgment is heaven for the believer (2 Corinthians 5:6-8; Philippians 1:23) and hell for the unbeliever (Matthew 25:46; Luke 16:22-24). There is no in-between. There is no possibility of remaining on earth in spirit form as a “ghost.” If there are such things as ghosts, according to the Bible, they absolutely cannot be the disembodied spirits of deceased human beings nor can reincarnation occur.

    Deuteronomy 18:9-12 –Talking to spirits is a sin so is astrology.
    “When you enter the land Adonai your G-d is giving you, you are not to learn or follow the abominable practices of those nations. There must not be found among you anyone who makes his son or daughter pass through fire, a diviner, a soothsayer, an enchanter, a sorcerer, Witch—>a spell-caster, A CONSULTER OF GHOSTS OR SPIRITS, MEDIUM OR A NECROMANCER. For whoever does these things is detestable to Adonai, and because of these abominations Adonai your G-d is driving them out ahead of you.”

    The purpose is deception in all they do.

    God helps anyone to banish them.

    1. Play Christian music.
    2. Say get out in Jesus name in each room.
    3. Throw away Ouija boards.
    4. Dont consult mediums or talk to spirits it will make it worse.
    5.. They are weak and God helps ne one who asks no matter who you are.

    Contact me for more help anytime.

    Source- Experience

  • skayp g says:

    I believe what the tarot tries to tell me about the future.
    I’ve been using them to divine the future on & off for the past 20 odd years, and in all that time they have not come to fruition only twice.
    If you’re interested in divination of the future I would highly recommend getting a deck of tarot cards of your own. They normally come with instructions & you can understand what they mean based on their position.

    Hope this helps : )

  • Rev. Lynn D. says:

    I believe I may have answered this question in another area. Tarot is a divination tool for spiritual guidance. It is only as good as the person doing the reading. There is nothing demonic about it when it is used properly.

    I have been reading for 18 years. It is wonderful to see people who have been desperate for answers and fearful about so many things, begin to feel comforted and have hope for the future.

    They sure don’t get it from preachers pounding into them that they are going to hell if they try and use the free will God gave them and if they don’t follow the doctrine of whatever organized religion they are in.

    Consistent meditation is the secret to it because it helps the reader to attune with the spirit realm and receive the messages of guidance.

    Go with your heart and don’t let others influence you, not even me. Your higher self will tell you what is right for you.

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