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Question by Brother Wind: Do you believe that pagans know God in a different way from Monotheists?

Best answer:

Answer by buttercup1232cer
Well their version of god is truly loving and caring, unlike the christian god who likes to destroy people and cities.

Sadly, (I guess) all god’s are fake!

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4 Responses to Do you believe that pagans know God in a different way from Monotheists?

  • Cecil the Paladin says:

    I absolutely believe that pagans know God. I have studied many religions and it’s obvious to me they all have a common source of inspiration. I believe that God can inspire people, regardless of what lens they see Him through

  • amir el muhammady says:

    i think you’re wrong. what i know is, the pagans knew that god is one and only one. however, because they can’t really see god, they created a lot of idols and imaginations to symbolise god Himself. as an example, for the pagans who live in woods, they’d say god is the tree and river because they are their food resources. however, in urban area, maybe if there’s any pagans, they’d say money is god.

  • allkoei says:

    most pagans are polytheists and agnostics. it is very wrong to try and compare their concept of god/goddess to the christian concept of god.

  • MSB says:

    Not all Pagans are polytheists.

    Some are inclusive monotheists– we believe that there is one Higher Power, and that all the Gods and Goddesses of every religion are just different human ideas about the nature of the Divine.

    Personally, I believe we all relate to the Higher Power (or Powers, if that’s the case) in a way that makes the most sense to us… which is why there are different religions. I don’t think the Higher Power cares which way we use.

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