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Question by charisma: Do you do tarot readings for yourself?
I was told that you shouldn’t read for yourself, but I see many ppl who do. What is your opinoin about it.

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Answer by korazon

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4 Responses to Do you do tarot readings for yourself?

  • Sabrina says:

    I heard it is bad luck. I also heard not to read your own palm.

  • lala says:

    I do read my cards often ; and it always told me the truth . Its TOTALLY false to say its bad luck reading your card or your palm

  • Moll Flanders says:

    I used to, but I’d get really frustrated because I never knew what part of my life they were directed at, and the time scale of them.
    I used to get given time scales by tarot readers and would eagerly await an event to happen and nothing would ever materialize.
    I also didn’t know how to protect myself whilst I was doing the cards and,consequently, suffered extremely bad nightmares as a result.
    So, I no longer dabble.
    I now have a set of Angel cards (Doreen Virtue) that you deal in a similar Past, Present, Future, and I find it easier to read them and don’t suffer the nightmares. The energy around them is light, whereas the energy around tarot is dark.

  • Brown Clay says:

    Yeah, and it can be very enlightening. I don’t see why it would be bad luck and have never heard that. It’s a great way to learn. As long as you are confident in doing it, I don’t see why it would lead to any particular kind of bad luck.

    I remember when I first bought my deck, the first few readings I did were really intense, because I’m wondering what’s gonna happen, what will it mean, it was almost too creepy…but that was mainly just because of all the misconceptions I had about tarot beforehand. It is what you make it.

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