Question by king_of_crusade: Do you know of the Pagan temple that Muslims pray to five times a day?
There is a Pagan temple in Mecca (the Muslim holy city) with a huge Idol, all it is really is a huge black STONE. I mean even if Muslims dont believe in jesus I’d think that in the old book god dont like you praying to stones. Ask any ARAB what God did Arabs pray to before Islam, and do you know what they’ll tell you Allah because its the same pagan God
Best answer:
Answer by michinoku2001
Well, at least their sabbath isn’t copied from the sun worshippers.
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first of we don’t worship any idol u guys do in ur church who is that person who is hanging on the cross grow up look what u guys are doing u say JESUS (P.B.U.H) died for u tell me why did he die for u so che can take ur sins taking sins fogive ing some could done if he was alive why did he die tell me and on other side did he die or as ur belive that he was killed my ROMAN or Jews what ever so first conform what happen to him we MUSLIM never ever will worship any GOD except AL MIGHT ALLAH is the ONE and only GOD i challenge u to prove my QURAN wrong ALLAH says that any one any one who can prove the QURAN wrong then his religion is the right one his GOD is the one so its a open challenge for u i dare u to prove QURAN and the laws of ISLAM wrong u guys says u worship JESUS he Si the GOD son OK tell me why did the so called GOD father want him to Be killed why so he can take away ur sins why what did u do what u Christian did that he took Ur sins away and u r sin free and why did Ur so called GOD came like 2000 years why he was not there from first were the first man came to earth i think he did not like that people so that why he came like 2000 years back so he can save u open Ur brains Ur religion is the way to hell ISLAM is the correct way prove ISLAM wrong ALLAH is great remember
I believe the stone you are referring to is part of the Kabaa, it isn’t inside the temple itself.
While Muslims do face in the direction of Kabaa (which is borderline idloatry) they claim to be praying to GOD while they are doing this, GOD in heaven. I personally think it is shifty, especially that part about praying to two angels sitting on their shoulders or something to that extent (it has been a while since I have attended mosque), and I DON’T think it is what the one GOD had in mind.
Shut up kid. I know you were on here a few days ago trying to be smart and say Muslims are Pagans, and yet again, you cannot back it up. Quit being stupid, you don’t look cool doing this.
Allah is God. The same God Christians worship and the same God the Jews worship. So how can their God be pagan?
soooooooo lame!!!
It is the Kabba. I am not a muslim, but I am going to defend the Muslim faith. Why do you call it a “pagan” temple? The huge black stone is not an idol, and Allah just means “God” in Arabic. I am a Christian, but what you are saying about the muslims shows that you know nothing about Islam. You should make some Arabic friends and learn a little.
you mean the Kabaa built by Prophet Abraham, that has his footprints beside it, left there as a sign. Also there is a spring there. Read your bible it is all in there
There is also a story that the stone taken away by muslim invaders from the Banaras temple in India is the one worshipped, touched and kissed and also they go around 7 times in Mecca. That is a temple idol. Even before Mohammed was born there was a temple and idols there. Those idols were removed and this new one installed later.
The streetlight is on!
But, but, but…it’s a sacred stone! It used to be white, but it turned black cuz too many non-Muslims touched it, and their evil soaked into it.
Ummm…the rock fell at Adam’s feet one day, and Abraham found it later. Abraham hauled it all the way down to Mecca and built a temple around it.
Yes, that’s right Abraham built a temple around a ROCK. This is the same guy who smashed all his father’s IDOLS. I know, there is no account of any of this in the Bible, except the part where Abraham SMASHED THE IDOLS and CONDEMNED IDOLATRY, but Mohammad said that all that other stuff happened, and we know what happens to people who don’t believe what Mohammad says!
I think you need to look up the modern definition of “Pagan.” Just because something is non-Christian doesn’t make it Pagan. You’re using it as an insult here and as a Pagan, I find that offensive. From now on I expect you to capitalize it out of respect just as I capitalize the name of your religion.
First of all, Muslims all believe that Jesus is the Son of God (Allah) but they don’t believe He was God. They also believe that Jesus, not Muhammed, will be the one to come a second time. But that Jesus will be a Muslim and live only as a human.
Mecca was the place that Muhammed claims to have spoke to God often. That is why Muslims feel it is a sacred place. They aren’t praying to a stone. They are on holy ground. Allah is the name that Muhammed said was God’s true name. He said that Allah told him this. CHristians call God – God. Jews call God – YHVH in writting and Adonai in speaking.
I suggest that you review your source of information and read more than just one magazine article. Everything you mentioned here is not true at all.
and this news you have seen today from your CNN?
Wow i really did not know…Thanks for this splendid info..
I am muslim by the way
We muslims worship The One Almighty God (Allah in arabic), we belive in all of God’s massengers and prophets including Jesus peace be upon him. We believe that Jesus was born by a miracle and that he is a human being, chosen by God to be His prophet.
The black stone that you refer to is Ka’aba, we dont worship that stone, we use it as a direction, so all the muslims in the whole world pray to one direction. Thats all.
If that is so, why is the Kaaba oriented on Jerusalem?
Was Jerusalem important to pagan Arabs, or was the Kaaba a Christian church?
let me first educate you in a few things about us Muslims;
lot of arabs are not Muslim, so dont stereotype the religion;
Islam is for all who chooses it, meaning blacks, whites, asians, hispanics and on…
if you dont beleive research “Muhammad Ali”…check out his race and nationality.
we pray to God and God only; we do believe in Jesus Christ and he is highly beloved by all Muslims, Islam recognizes all the Prophets of God from Adam to Muhammad including Jesus…we just know that Jesus is not God; how can God be killed? how can God have a mother when he’s the creator of all? if Jesus is God, or the son of God and getting praised, why dont we declare Adam who had no parents what so ever the son of God or God?
and that huge “idol” you refer to is not a stone but a holy ground chosen by God and built by Abraham, where no man is allowed to enter.
FYI: saying Allah is no different from saying, Dieu in french or Dio in Spanish which all translate back to God in english!!!
arabic 101
word: ALLAH
breakdown: “AL” is arabic for “THE”
LAH is arabic for GOD
so in conclusion…Allah translated in englsh means “the God”
the same one who created Adam, the same one who guide Noah, the same one who created Jesus and chose Mary to mother him, the same one who Jesus in a number of times asked for guidance (if Jesus is God why is he praying to another God besides himself?), the same God who told Moses to free the Israelites and gave us the 10 commendments, and the same God who chose the Prophet Muhammad to introduce Islam.
so please….accurately follow through with your researches before you make false statements about our religion.
No wonder they’re at war with us. They are worshiping some pagan entity. On some level in their cult, their leadership is consciously leading their people to worship a false god.