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Question by kid: Do you think sex is Sacred?
like waiting to do it with the one you know you’ll be with the rest of your life, not just with some boyfriend.

Best answer:

Answer by Effyouseekayy U
yes, i am scared of sex

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46 Responses to Do you think sex is Sacred?

  • Fruuze says:

    Yes, I believe that sex is a special gift. I’m waiting to do it with my husband when I get married. I don’t really like how it’s just thrown around and misused (i.e. Prostitution, lewdness, etc.)

  • Mr. incredible says:

    i dont really look at sex like it sacred i just enjoy it when ever i can get it

  • moo says:

    no, not in my opinion and truthfully i don’t know why that is and i totally respect those who do

  • girl says:

    True love waits for marriage.

  • Cabanaboi says:

    If you love or care for the person, then it is ok to have sex with them (consented, of course) and that both of you know it is fine to show your emotions between each other in that way (fb, boy-boy, girl-girl, boy-girl, etc.)

  • Littleshellwoman says:

    The Bible says sex is to be shared by a man and woman after they join in marriage. Sounds sacred to me.

  • Aviator says:

    no because if it is that big a deal to you then when things don’t work out later on down the road you will be devastated…when in actuality it is normal for people to grow apart from each other and seek their own path.

  • Heaven says:

    No man or woman with wait till marriage…unless they have very very high morals which are very rare..but yes it should be sacred but unfortunately it isnt….its just a passtime…these a hobby..

  • lady me says:

    for me it wasnt so much about waiting to get married…it was more important for me to lose it to someone i loved and i knew loved me….someone who respected me…..i was friends with alot of guys and would here how they talked about the girls they had been with and i didnt want someone talking about me that way…

    BTW my first ended up being my only….

  • HelpPlease says:

    I think it can be. I am religious though and I feel like people should not go out and have random sex with strangers. Just go with your gut.

  • sharpie says:

    Marriage is sacred, sex is an act of love performed by married couples therefore sex outside the context of marriage is not sacred. =)

  • Jennifer B says:

    I am 25 and I didn’t wait. I think that it goes both ways. On one hand my husband already had his little girl who I would not trade for anything in this world. On the other it grosses me out to think about a one night stand that he or I had. I like to pretend that I am the only one and I know he pretends that too. I think that waiting for you spouse is the most romantic thing that you can do. It takes a strong person though.

  • Silvia says:

    yes. Think about it this way, if you have sex with whoever, how is your wife or husband supposed to feel more special than the others?? Just because you walked down the aisle with them? Big deal. You could say that they’re the ones you are raising children with, but technically you could have gotten somebody pregnant before the wife came along. Sex is sacred.

  • Rup B says:

    Depends upon how you perceive it.If performed like a yoga,sex is definitely sacred.

  • Nana-Nana s says:

    definitely, No

  • Megan R says:

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is very sacred

  • oldguy says:

    no, sex is not sacred. that’s how kids are made. for some reason or other people consider virginity sacred. well, virginity is used to keep a blood line “pure”. sex is what you make of it. it can be very enjoyable if you want or it can be a fearful thing, its all up to you.

  • Sparrman says:


  • OhhHushHushBabyy says:

    I used to think it was something that I can use to make guys love me. I was sexually abused twice as a young child. I have been with my boyfriend for a year. We are deciding to wait untill we get married.

  • armouror2000 says:

    No sex is fun and i am a perfect gentleman

  • a.m.a.n.d.a hoti says:

    I think waiting until you’re with someone you really love. Not necessarily married.

    I love my boyfriend soooo much & after wev been dating for like year id want to possibly, but wev been together only 4 months.

    I don’t agree with the sex when married thing. Its dumb.

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