Question by kid: Do you think sex is Sacred?
like waiting to do it with the one you know you’ll be with the rest of your life, not just with some boyfriend.
Best answer:
Answer by Effyouseekayy U
yes, i am scared of sex
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I don’ you?..I think love is sacred..
Yes. Wait until you’re married.
Yes I do, though I am religious.
yup. you’re right.
no,but i think you should do it with someone you really care about
whether they are your boyfriend/girlfriend or a husband or wife.
sex isn’t that big of a deal to me
it’s overrated
NO. I have already have had sex and I am 14 and I do not think I will be with this girl for the rest of my life.
yeah, its basically the most sacred thing in the world.
I think it should be, but sometimes it’s just what you need at the moment.
Well not allways, but it should be.
Yes I feel that sex is a very sacred act. But I mean that in a non religious way.
…you have one life…why not sex everyone?
Yea sure i think it should saved for marriage and the one you truely love and not just the one you love at the moment
No, it is just crazy, fun, raw and intense. Not sacred at all.
Yeah, of course it is.
No, it’s not sacred, it’s fun. If you choose to wait, that’s your personal decision and there’s nothing wrong with that. Plenty of people choose not to, and that’s fine too.
What any consenting, mature, responsible, adults do together intimately is their business and no one elses. ???
i do want to wait till i am married to have sex, but if u really like someone, and it will just happen, then let it be.
I think it is a moment in life that every one wants to remember. So a first time has to be memorable, which is why many people wait to find someone they love. In a way, it is sacred.
Did you read the Da Vinci Code or something… ?
hahahhaahhhaha!!!!!!!!!!! oh god man….i fuc ed this guy in a church on christmas last year……we’re thinking of making it a tradition XD
sacred…my ass