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Question by Teddy TheBear: Do you think that visiting bomohs, shamans and mediums is primarily a form of psychological relief?
As much as visiting ‘magic monks’ and holy priests for their services… what do you think?

Best answer:

Answer by Naturewalker
No, but I think it’s a waste of time and money.

Add your own answer in the comments!

11 Responses to Do you think that visiting bomohs, shamans and mediums is primarily a form of psychological relief?

  • jeepsarecool says:

    Sounds like a waste of time to me.

  • crewsaid says:

    I think there is nothing wrong with visiting shamans or other pagan masters, but the only condition shluld be that such people should not be imposters going around fooling people in the garb of being knowers of forces of nature. It will be very difficult to find such true masters, who are an extinct breed in this day and age.

  • atticcat says:

    Only you could cure your problem whatever it is. Dont keep on looking back. Learn from the past, Live in the present and prepare for the future. Move on darling!

  • 4Brain says:

    It may relieve psychological stress but the reliance – not necessarily the belief – is intellectually abusive. Science is repeatable. Anywhere and by anyone. Mysticism is unreliable at best. At it’s worst it preys on those with weak minds.

  • tom my says:

    Yes it is!

  • rmbrruffian says:

    I believe that Shamans have knowledge that Western medicine and Catholicism will never understand. Western medicine is just now scratching the surface of the psyche on physical health. Catholicism and organized religion has trampled the old teachings into the dirt, while assimilating many of the old ways; only twisting them to their own devices.
    I believe in Shamanism even more, since my sister told me this story.
    In brief: She had a dear friend, a man in about his 70’s. He had surgery and did not come out of it well. Before surgery he was completely lucid, after surgery he was awake but seemed completely senile. My sister had a shaman do a search for his spirit. The shaman told my sister that If he was found, he might decide to pass on or come back. In either instance the shaman would help him make that journey. The shaman was able to locate his spirit, and he chose to come back to the body. This was done remotely, as the wife did not believe in it and would not allow the process. But the man awoke after the shamanic journey and was lucid again. When my sister was able to talk to him again, he was able to recount the conversation he had with the shaman.
    There are powers in the Universe that we cannot comprehend. Humankind is on the brink of a change to a higher plane. Unfortunately we may destroy ourselves before then, because people don’t understand what is happening and fight against the change.

  • HRH Shim says:

    I have to agree with you. Its the same as taking certain pills which are prescibed as a placebo to encourage your brain power to assist in the healing process. In this case, the bomohs and shamans are the placebo medium.

  • sabrina says:

    Be careful with religious department. They will be keeping eye for these things.

    What a useful way of spening tax payers money to enforce religion, which have to be personal.

    Answer to your question is that it is placebo effect, on the other hand some people feel benefitted. I don’t mind as long as you are benefitted and not cheated by these people.

  • pau says:

    old age belief that bomoh is the person that can cure sickness due to black magic and can enhance one’s luck and good fortune. I don’t believe 100% but out of curiosity, tomorrow i am going to see a chinese medium to read my fortune. Nothing to do with psycological relief

  • Meerkat V says:

    I think it’s much more thn. psychological relief.
    Sometimes it’s a matter of life & death.

    When I was a kid, I never really understood religion nor was I aware it could be either very complicated or simple.
    In a way, I grew up without “religion”, but I’ve much fear whenever I see people that go into trance or possessed.
    My first experience & knowing the meaning of “death” was when I was 10.

    Often these cases, the holy priests/monks/bomoh etc. will take place among the situation.

    Overall based on my personal encounters, although they’ve never help me directly but some of them saw what others didn’t see in me e.g. when I constantly dream of weird dreams which came true & when I was visited by another kind. In my mind, it’s maybe a normal thing. It’s until much later did, an ol’lady (my neighbor she felt it too & her Buddhist monk visitors) told her that for some reasons spirits began to gather around me like an attraction. And some of them began to house among the “kinda” big wild garden of mine.
    And weird thing was nobody besides my family knew that I sleep facing the main door, which I dn’t knw was a “taboo”.
    And it’s also unexplainable why I kept waking up at 3am for many years, in fact as far as I can recall I dreamed every night in my childhood & teenage years. Some of the dreams were unpleasant & it became true. But because I didn’t take any actions nor told anyone about it until around early adulthood..& I choose to block it by taking drugs + no sleeping.
    The thing is, I’m surprised by what they the monks + my neighbor knew & sense. (in a way, yes my dad chopped off some plants trees in order for other spirit not to live in certain places).
    I still dn’t knw if it’s my imaginative mind or maybe my mind for somehow for certain moment saw part of the future via dreams but bcs I dn’t take any action bcs I’m confused it just fade away, thru denying & thru time yeah the dreams minimized. But once a while it came back. The recent one came true.

    A religious “friend” of mine once said maybe I’m the chosen one. If to them it’s a “chosen” one..means do I hv. to live a life as shaman/mediums etc. in order to understand myself & help others? (I knw it sounds strange right, whn I did some research & those shows on TV, sometimes it’s diff. but similar in certain way.)

    Anyway, so far I’ve encountered cases where these mediums hv. both help or not in cases.
    – my neighborhood/childhood friend disappeared for almost 1 year, everybody doesn’t knw where he went. He’s only a kid. Comes frm well loving family & being the first child & son, he’s very precious. But no ransom, news frm any kidnappers or etc. Police, school & etc. nobody knows anythg. It happend during school break. Eventually after many months, groups of monks, bomohs were gathered to help. It seems, he’s “spirited away to another world”. Eventually they brought himm back, but he’s clueless & forgotten the ways of life here. It took him about another year to gather back himself.
    Till now, I never knew why & where he went. It’s a strange thing he doesn’t even knw anythg about it.

    I’ve watched some mediums doing their work, I find them very intelligent in science & maths. Often their astronomy & medical herbal skills are a match. In old days, before “doctors” existed they’ve been there for ages to aid the people. But bcs of corrupted mediums & unproven orthodox methods it’s being replace for security & fear.

    Sometimes, the more you do research to understand another, the more you’ll get confused.
    I watched this Chinese movie earlier called “Ashes of Time” it says something that (in my own words;
    “the most meddlesome in mind is memory,
    it is the memory that stores all,
    the better your memory,
    the more there’s to worry.”

    I hope my mind wouldn’t need the service of the medium, but who knows. Let’s not worry about that yeah 🙂

  • Ben says:

    No. I don’t trust mediums. Ironically, some people trick others by offering this services as though they are capable of forseeing the future or healing illness.

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