Question by Izzy: Does anyone know how to do tarot readings?
I want to know when will I find a girlfriend again?
Best answer:
Answer by ToXicLuvAffaiR
for a proper/true tarot reading, you need to do it in person, most of these online tarot applications as well are never correct…the cards need to pick up your energy you see
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Yes, but you’re asking the wrong question. You’d be better off asking the Tarot, “What do I NEED TO DO for my girlfriend to find me.”
You’ll get better results/advice if you concentrate on that question.
actually you can do your own tarot reading, all you need are the cards=) and the internet is not reliable when it comes to this sort of thing..but good luck!
Spirit says you have a lot of issues to work out. You are holding on to hurts from the past and even though you think you want a new relationship, you are afraid of one at the same time.
First work those things out and then you will be ready and she will appear.
The Law of Attraction is working in in this situation as it always is in every situation. By sending out the signals of being afraid and unsure if you can trust someone, you are preventing a new relationship.
I am still in the process of learning how to read the Tarot but I did a Love Spread for you.
Card 1 The Future card:which shows you what is coming up.
Ace of Cups
This signifies beginning of a new life, journey or love. You feel spiritually fulfilled. The intuitive and creative mind is active and such projects will succeed. The unconscious mind may become more active.his signifies beginning of a new life, journey or love. You feel spiritually fulfilled. The intuitive and creative mind is active and such projects will succeed. The unconscious mind may become more active.
Card 2 The Changes card, which shows you what conditions will change.
You hard work reaps all the rewards. Do not be too harsh on yourself. Learn to be patient to be successful. Health will improve. There may be positive changes in life. This is a good time to make changes in your career. Important changes that alter your life may happen.
Card 3 The Causes card, which shows you what will cause the changes.
Nine of Wands
You have prepared yourself for your eventual victory. All the hard work you have put in will pay off. You have to just overcome the final obstacle. You will enjoy good health. Your strength and stamina will be at its peak.
Card 4 The Change Type card, which shows you the way things will change.
The Death card signifies endings, but not necessarily shocking and disruptive ones. In any case, endings always lead to new beginnings and Death itself symbolizes a sweeping away of the past. If we rid ourselves of past garbage then we are free to set out on an entirely new path.
Card 5 The Needs card, which shows you what you need to understand in order to do.
Queen of Wands
You are a well liked person. You are a cheerful person and have a charming personality. If you are a woman, you are mature and fond of your home. You may be temperamental, but also generous and independent. The card may also predict the success of a project.
Card 6 The Outcome card, which shows your future wants and the outcome of the situation.
Four of Wands
This is a time for enjoying the rewards of your hard work. You are very innovative and creative. You like all the finer things in life. You will have a well settled home and a prosperous and happy life. There is chance of a romantic relationship. You may have a reason to celebrate and lot of holidays. This is the time to take rest and relax.