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Question by Tell Rell 2: .Does Islam=Moon God?
Not trying to hate.Just doing my research..Can some of you guys explain the moon god? thing
I got this from a site a was doing research on.
Robert Morey, author of The Islamic Invasion, explains:

“Islam’s origins have been traced back by scholars to the ancient fertility religion of the worship of the moon god which was always the dominant religion of Arabia. The moon god was worshipped by praying toward Mecca several times a day, making an annual pilgrimage to the Kabah which was a temple of the moon god, running around the Kabah seven times, caressing an idol of a black stone set in the wall of the Kabah, running between two hills, making animal sacrifices, gathering on Fridays for prayers, giving alms to the poor, etc. These were pagan rites practiced by the Arabs long before Muhammad was born.”

“What religion today practices the pagan rites of the moon god? Islam! This explains why the crescent moon is the symbol of Islam. It is placed on top of mosques and minarets and displayed on hats, flags, rugs, amulets and even jewelry. Every time you see the Muslim symbol of a crescent moon, you are seeing the ancient symbol of the moon god.”
This is the website-

Best answer:

Answer by B K
No, it means submission in Arabic.

English etymology of the word “Islam”
“religious system revealed by Muhammad,” attested 1818, from Arabic, lit. “submission” (to the will of God), from root of aslama “he resigned, he surrendered, he submitted,” causative conjunction of salima “he was safe,” and related to salam “peace.”

Muslims worship the Abrahamic god, the same one as the Jews, and the Christians. Just goes to show you, you shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet. It might surprise you that all extant religions have chosen symbols from previous religions, Christianity and Judaism are no exception. The cross and the star of David were used for other pagan purposes before they were used commonly in Christianity and Judaism respectively.

It wasn’t until the Ottoman Empire (of the Turks -1299 to 1922) that the crescent moon and star became affiliated with the Muslim world. The Ottomans got the symbol probably from the Greeks who used it to symbolise the goddess Diana who was associated with the moon. Unfortunately for people putting forward these silly theories, the goddess Diana had absolutely nothing to do with the Arabs. The Arabic word for the moon was masculine, not feminine and any pre-Islamic pagan moon deity would have been male.

If you were to actually read the koran, you might recognise some of the characters. It’s basically an alternative rendering of the Jewish and Christian holy books, minus the claimed deity of Christ (prior to Islam, Gnostics also didn’t believe Christ was a deity). From Adam and Eve to Jesus Christ – all are the main characters in the story are mentioned.

You won’t find any mention of worshipping other gods, other than the parts which explain how Mohammed tried to stop the Arabs from worshipping the old pagan gods. Muslims only believe in one God – who they call Allah, the Arabic word for God (they reject the Christian idea of the Trinity), and they don’t believe Jesus was divine or the son of god. They think he was only a man, who was a prophet. Like Christians and Jews, they don’t worship idols or symbols.

The Arabic name for God, Allah – attested use in English from 1702, the Arabic name for the Supreme Being, from Arabic Allahu, contraction of al-Ilahu, from al “the” + Ilah “God,” related to Hebrew Elohim (God/The Gods), Arabic and Hebrew being from the the same group of languages, and sharing a common ancestral Semitic language.

What do you think? Answer below!

8 Responses to .Does Islam=Moon God?

  • Truth4Word says:

    Submission, I believe. Most of their religion is about having people submit to the will of their god Allah. See the following website.

  • craig b says:

    Amazing that people can’t even understand the TRUTH of history.

  • Melnazar says:

    They truly borrowed rites from everywhere. After all, the praying five times was from the zoroastrian.

  • Old Timer Too says:

    Sorry, but no. Just because something is published on the internet does not make it fact. You need to check a good encyclopedia. While Wikipedia falls short in many ways, it is a good place to start. See You won’t find any reference to anything but mythology all around the world. You’ll also see a reference to Hinduism…

    What is often cited is another straw-man attempt by some denominations (and preachers) of Christian persuasion to denigrate Islam in the eyes of their viewers/hearers.

    TD’s expected from those who firmly believe the lie.

  • Achmed says:

    What you are saying is the samething that a PBS special presented on the Muslim faith.

  • use your brain says:

    yes , you are right Allah is the God of moon.

  • A picture of prophet Muhammad says:

    How dare you! I find this very offencive! racial hate is not OK!

  • >>('_')<< says:

    God, I don’t know why always people make weird stuff about islam, according to Islamic book (Koran), there is only one God (Allah) that most prophets came with His massage , the symbol of the moon was first use in the Ottoman Empire ( 800 years after Muhammed time ) and the resone of it waz to distinguish between the christian aorganizations and the muslims ones .. why did they chose the moon ? according to the Islamic calender the month start with the first seen of the crescent moon, and as u know muslim fast in one of these months (Ramadan) , and they used to depend on the moon in knowing the date and time etc ..

    the symbol of Islam used in Muhammed’s time is an arabic words mean “there is no gods but God (Allah)”

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