Judeo-Christian religion sense, it is still a path that many people choose to follow. Occultism and mysticism seem to provide people who are seeking a more depth, to find the answers they seek.
A point to remember is that occultism and a cult are totally different things. A cult generally has a bad objective, whereas occultism has a positive objective. History has made us weary and rightly so, because it is not like a religion such as Christianity which is in the norm, above the table, and everyone knows what is going on.
Wicca for example has many branches which make up Wicca, and defining a doctrine for how things operate is not something that happens in Wicca or any other occult paths.
I guess we have sidestepped a bit from the tarot cards, and occultism question, but it is hard to define a simple yes or no. Looking at research, and how people generally act with topics of divination, it is not a cause for concern that people will jump into the new age, and stay.
However for many people tarot cards have been an entry point. For others, it has allowed them to dabble, and then leave. I guess it depends on what people want out of tarot, and the questions and answers they seek to be resolved.
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