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Question by onelight: Does spirituality and science blend somehow ? Any common threads of connection ?
Don’t know why . . . yet I have the thought that spirituality and science (or metaphysics) somehow tie in somewhere. Maybe it’s the ‘ energy ‘ aspect of the spiritual realm…the ‘ science ‘ of the how the mind works, emotions, energy, feelings, understanding of awareness, intuition . . . not sure.

Any insight or thoughts ?
” Nairbgnik ” . . . this question brought you to feel ill. Sorry ’bout that. Go answer another question…you’ll feel better. Thanks for reply.

Best answer:

Answer by iMacThere4iAm
In my opinion, the only similarity is that nobody really knows how either one works. Science and spirituality are just a series of educated guesses.

What do you think? Answer below!

7 Responses to Does spirituality and science blend somehow ? Any common threads of connection ?

  • Nairbgnik says:

    science requires data, reproducible results, and is subject to peer review….the rest is faith…..they are very different…..except when the religious zealots try to explain the world with no data (all faith)……I need to vomit now….

  • Aaron says:

    There’s no one answer to this question. It’ll really depend on who you ask. One way to look at it is that God created all the science in our lives. The intricacy of the natural laws might be attributed to a creator- God. When the big bang theory was first announced, it drew much praise from the church as it was related to God’s creation. Nowadays, it is often scoffed at by religious leaders. What this goes to show you is that we, as man, don’t have all the naswers and change our minds as to what is “right”. Some say creation, as it is told in the bible (6 days, rest on the 7th) is the only right way. However, it might strike you that some things in the bible are surely only metaphorical. Matthew 5:29 basically tells you to pluck out and cast away your right eye if it causes you to sin and Matthew 5:30 says the same thing about your right hand. Since I don’t see too many one-eyed, one-handed Christians out there, it’s safe to say that it’s cosidered a metaphor for separating yourself from that which encourages you to sin. So, the question as to whether Genesis 1:1-2:2 is a metaphor comes to mind. Should we take the words literally or is it a metaphor for the big bang and intelligent design? We’ll never know for sure. The fact of the matter is that the only one who has a definitive answer is God. Whatever answers you come up with won’t please everyone, but that’s life!

  • purplepeace59 says:

    Both have their origins in observation, experience and interpretation. Both seek to understand the world around us. Both give meaning to life. Both seek the truth. The ancient teachings of Buddha and Hindu faith about the nature of the universe has been proved by recent discoveries in quantum physics.

  • amiyasarkar says:

    They are not different, as long as someone is not driven by spiritual fanaticism.Harnessing the immense power within and focusing coherently can achieve miracles.I have written several articles on topics like this, in the perspective of a solid scientific background. Though I do not claim to be an authority in this field, you may care to see one of my articles by following the given link

  • moe says:

    Science is all about measuring things and predicting measurements. Until spirit can be detected with instruments and measured, no blending from science’s side. But if science can’t find spirit, spirit may still find science.

  • trailerparkbob says:

    Erwin Laszlo … Science and the Akashic Field…. Panthiest like Hawking and Einstein are examples PAR EXCELLENCE of spirituality and hard emperical science achieving greatness… those who say science and spirituality are at odds with each other understand neither one of them. check out noetic sciences and vedic sciences

  • Avrita says:

    see,science is all about using ur brain and answering the various phenomenons of life with a definate reason.U use previously proved results to produce more gives u the obvious but incomplete answer but spirituality gives the subtle or complete answer to every phenomenon of life. mysticism helps u attain personal satisfaction for every reason that science gives u.take an example….scientist proved that universe began from a small premival atom which exploded cos it was full of highly condensed matter and this theory came to be known as big bang but no one knows what was before that atom,how was the space before the big bang and these phenomenons cant be explained by science but mysticism can help u attain the answers for gives u a way ,shows u a path through which u find the answer to various phenomenons in the universe but spirituality leads u to destiny of that path.
    so it can be summoned as :science shows the way and mysticism leads u through it safely and guides u at every point.

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